DB Multiverse

Member page of   iron leaf


iron leaf is part of the DBMultiverse team.
  • Is a comment moderator.
  • Translates in Njemački
  • Works on fanfic dbm
  • For more information, go to the authors page.
iron leaf 2 dana, 10h
This page shows how XXI knows about many things, even though he is not personally present. He knew why Son Bra wanted to go to his apartment, and he also knows very well that U9 Elder Kaioshin & U13 Raditz are currently in U10's apartments. I guess XXI is doing it thanks to his magic. We know that magic can easily pass through the rooms of U0 Arena. We saw that with Babidi.

In the case of Son Bra and the wish for U19. I think XXI is lying right to her face. He just tells her what she wants to hear. Of course he won't stick to it once he has the winner Dragonballs in his hands.

As for South Kaioshin, I think he's trying to turn South and Elder Kaioshin against each other. South, of course, is the one who wants to follow the rules the most. He certainly won't like what's going on in U10's apartment. But maybe XXI miscalculates, because if Elder Kaioshin can convince South what he's doing is right, XXI would have unnecessarily turned a neutral, perhaps even unwilling ally organizer against himself. I am curious. Maybe XXI is planning something additional, something with Elder Kaioshin, Radirz and South Kaioshin. We'll see.

ZenBuu was saying:
Damn... Son Bra totally messed this up again I can't believe it. Outrageous!

Also I'm not quite sure if this isn't backfiring at XXI... What exactly is his plan here to snitch on Old Kai?
Super Gojita 3 was saying:
I too am disgusted and disappointed bra didnt blow up the universe.

I was looking forward to having a tirade.
I knew it, Son Bra wanted to offer her services to XXI so that Son Goku would lose for sure. But for some reason, today's page didn't show any of that. Mhm, but so many people were so sure Son Bra was going to screw up again. Next page, surely we'll see next page how Son Bra .... mhm .... Breaks Goku's legs or something. xD

DB Multiverse page 2450
iron leaf 31 Siječnja
XXI actually loses its composure here for the very first time in DBM. And it's fascinating to see how XXI behaves. It's a rare deep insight into his character.

K-ly was saying:
I just realized there are stone dragon balls there! cool page
SuperSaiyan4Vegetto was saying:
Still though are those Balls, Dragon Balls? Balls that have been turned to stone?

Exactly. XXI has been using some kind of Dragonballs since the beginning of the tournament to help him in his fights (with information such as his opponents' weak points, etc.). On page 1516, for example, we already see a scene where XXI waits until the cooldown of the Dragonballs is over. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2449
iron leaf 31 Siječnja
Ach Bra, natürlich mit Bodyguard, lol.

Wow, ein unglaublich tiefer Einblick in XXI's Charakter hier. Echt faszinierend.
DB Multiverse page 2449
iron leaf 29 Siječnja
Are they on a mission to conquer a planet right now? It almost sounds like they're waiting until they can turn into Oozarus.
Saigo no Son page 16
iron leaf 29 Siječnja
Gast should have used Clothes-Beam on XXI, lol.
The fact that Gast won't immediately tell everyone what XXI actually did at the end of their fight makes me suspect that Gast himself is up to something. Something he doesn't want the others to know yet? I'm curious, and I'm sure it won't all be revealed within a few pages.

Your nickel was saying:
So is Gast not going to tell Goku all the details he saw?
Maybe he will, later. One Varga confirmed earlier that there will be a break until the final. We still have enough pages in this chapter.

zero logic was saying:
I think Bra's assessment of Janemba is very sus bc earlier during the fight she thought Janemba was easy.

Personally, I think she woulda killed it no problem, she is leagues beyond Gohan after all.
Son Bra is simply bipolar since the passive-phrase. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2448
iron leaf 29 Siječnja
VegetaFanHoch7 was saying:
Warum ist XXI so wütend?
Er hat doch gewonnen und hat im Prinzip schon seinen Wunsch, oder wollte er Gast absorbieren?
Wenn ja; was hätte ihm das gebracht, er hat doch drei Wünsche.
Wenn er eine Fähigkeit oder Kräfte von Gast haben wollen würde könnte er sie sich einfach mit einem der anderen Wünsche wünschen.?
Ich glaube die Art und Weise wie das letzte Panel XXI und das U5 Apartment zeigt, tippe ich darauf, dass wir vielleicht auf der nächste Seite noch mehr Zeit mit ihm verbringen. XXI beschwört seinen Drachen-Kumpel und die werden quatschen.
Wir werden bestimmt erfahren warum XXI gerade so aufgebracht ist. Halt die Sache von seiner Perspektive betrachten und so.
DB Multiverse page 2448
iron leaf 29 Siječnja
Oh, Physalis put on some clothes afterall, welp.
Yamoshi Story page 58
iron leaf 29 Siječnja
ZenBuu was saying:
iron leaf sagte: Ist schon heftig, Discus ist im Vergleich zu Gast so schwach, sodass die Heilkräfte nur das absolute Minimum schaffen und Gast sich doch selbst heilen muss. Aber er bleibt MVP, denn dank ihm ist Gast überhaupt noch am Leben.

Wenn mehrere Leute es erwähnen, dann mache ich gerne mit. Ich stieß 2011 auf DBM mit dem Spezialkapitel 21, Bardock vs Vegeta Sr. Es war eine richtige Umstellung auf dieses Webcomic-Konzept. Inzwischen ist das normal für mich.
Ich glaube das ist nicht Discus, außer er hat zwischen dieser Seite hier und page 2445 die Klamotten gewechselt. Oder das war ein Patzer von Asura. :D

Die Schuhe sind definitiv anders und das Mittelstück seines Oberteils ist am unteren Ende in zwei Teile gespalten und grau, dass von Discus nicht.
OMG. Du hast Recht. Das ist nicht Discus. Da hab ich einfach nicht aufgepasst. Mein Fehler.
DB Multiverse page 2447
iron leaf 27 Siječnja
Mhm, on page-43 Gogeta's shoulder pads on the Metamoran Outfit are orange (like in the Fusion Reborn movie), on today's page the shoulder pads are yellow like on Gotenks. A bit of a contradiction, too bad. Especially when there are literally only 2 colored pages with Gogeta.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 61
iron leaf 27 Siječnja
Kong Smash! Jetzt muss ich an den Hulk denken xD
Super Dragon Bros Z page 115
iron leaf 27 Siječnja
I cannot believe Vegeta got a PP-Candy from Bulma. But I totally believe Vegeta fooling Goku to eat it, lol. 1 Replie(s)
Chibi Son Bra did her best! page 189
iron leaf 27 Siječnja
kingworld was saying:
iron leaf was saying: A new Varga. Responsible for the U5 area. I shall call him male Izy, lol.

I kind of have respect for Discus. Not only did he practically save Gast's life, he indirectly agreed to use all his energy to heal Gast at least a little. Even if he didn't know whether Gast would be able to heal himself again at a certain point, or whether the U1 Kaioshin would have decided to use the Dragonballs to heal Gast. Very glad to see the U1 Namekians finally get some personality (not much but at least some).

Rey Vegeta was saying: How come XXI didn't get disqualified? Gast gave up and XXI still attacked himThe important thing is that XXI stopped attacking or consuming Gast the moment the Varga announced that Gast had forfeited the fight. And that's the important thing, you follow the instructions of the organizers. Strictly speaking, you can continue to attack your opponent until the Vargas make an official announcement as to whether someone has given up the fight. Kat can certainly tell you a thing or two about how Kakarot continued to attack her, even though she personally announced several times that she had given up the fight.
That is definitely not what happened during the fight of Kat. I'd suggest you to go re-read it. The moment she forfeited, not a single hit was actually landed on her (only thanks to Vegeta 13, but whatever), and that was well before the Vargas announced Kakaroth's victory.
Reference: https://w...colors-103.html (I chose the colored version just because it looks nicer, but events are obviously the same).
You're absolutely right, I was completely wrong. I remembered it differently. Whew, that's what happens when you don't reread the comic every now and then. Thanks for correcting me.

DBZFAN103 was saying:
Oh for...please tell me this leads to them disqualifying XXI cause he attacked Gast after he said he gave up. If not, then this is incredibly stupid.
Why then? XXI apparently stopped immediately when the Vargas announcement declared XXI the winner. The scene suggests XXI wanted to kill Gast by consuming him, and assumed no one would hear what was happening in the smoke. Even if it comes to a disqualification accusation, XXI's very simple defense is to claim that he stopped attacking immediately when the organizers declared the fight concluded.

In extreme combat sports (such as UFC), a fight is sometimes only concluded when the referee puts a stop to the fight.
There are scenarios where a fighter gives up while his opponent is punching him and it takes the referee several long seconds to finally stop the opponent from punching.

I'm not saying XXI behavior is in line with the rules. However, it would seem extremely picky of everyone involved (Gast, Kaioshin, etc.) to sit down and discuss whether the person who has never broken any rules before, is now sent home before the final because he paid more attention to the organizers' announcement rather than his opponent's statement. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2447
iron leaf 27 Siječnja
Ist schon heftig, Discus ist im Vergleich zu Gast so schwach, sodass die Heilkräfte nur das absolute Minimum schaffen und Gast sich doch selbst heilen muss. Aber er bleibt MVP, denn dank ihm ist Gast überhaupt noch am Leben.

Wenn mehrere Leute es erwähnen, dann mache ich gerne mit. Ich stieß 2011 auf DBM mit dem Spezialkapitel 21, Bardock vs Vegeta Sr. Es war eine richtige Umstellung auf dieses Webcomic-Konzept. Inzwischen ist das normal für mich. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2447
iron leaf 26 Siječnja
So sieht die Weltkarte der Erde in Dragonball nicht aus. Kleiner Nitpick.
Sehr traurig die Szene mit Mr. Popo. Emotional bin ich gerade am Tiefpunkt. Ich frage mich, ob es so weiter geht oder die Szene bald drastisch einen Kurswechsel einschlägt.
Saigo no Son page 15
iron leaf 26 Siječnja
Der Kamerawinkel ist doch absichtlch so gewählt in Panel 1 xD
Yamoshi Story page 57
iron leaf 26 Siječnja
A new Varga. Responsible for the U5 area. I shall call him male Izy, lol.

I kind of have respect for Discus. Not only did he practically save Gast's life, he indirectly agreed to use all his energy to heal Gast at least a little. Even if he didn't know whether Gast would be able to heal himself again at a certain point, or whether the U1 Kaioshin would have decided to use the Dragonballs to heal Gast. Very glad to see the U1 Namekians finally get some personality (not much but at least some).

Rey Vegeta was saying:
How come XXI didn't get disqualified? Gast gave up and XXI still attacked him
The important thing is that XXI stopped attacking or consuming Gast the moment the Varga announced that Gast had forfeited the fight. And that's the important thing, you follow the instructions of the organizers. Strictly speaking, you can continue to attack your opponent until the Vargas make an official announcement as to whether someone has given up the fight. Kat can certainly tell you a thing or two about how Kakarot continued to attack her, even though she personally announced several times that she had given up the fight. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2447
iron leaf 25 Siječnja
Infernape2244 was saying:
Ich glaube XXI wird jetzt leicht schwitzen dass er aus dem Turnier ausscheidet.

Anubis sagte: Gast hat's ordentlich erwischt. Aber töten ist doch in diesem Turnier gestattet und gegen Absorbtionen oder Verschlingen, kann ich mich, auch an keine Beschränkungen erinnern, oder irre ich mich? Sprich, würde er deswegen disqualifiziert werden können? Allmählich müssen sie ihren Wettbewerb, sowieso wieder unterbrechen. Das packt Goku nicht.
Es geht darum dass Gast aufgegeben hat, der Sieger entschieden wurde und XXI trotzdem weiter versucht hatte ihn zu töten. Das ist gegen die Regeln und ein nachvollziehbarer Grund warum XXI disqualifiziert werden kann.

Das ist so nicht richtig.
Gast hat aufgegeben, und XXI hat fortgeführt Gast anzugreifen. Soweit stimmt es. Allerdings hat XXI auf der vorherigen Seite ganz deutlich aufgehorcht, als die Vargas / Organisatoren Gast's Niederlage verkündet haben. Wir können stark davon ausgehen, dass XXI buchstäblich in dem Moment aufhörte Gast anzugreifen, als die Varga's Gast's Niederlage verkündet haben.
Mit anderen Worten, in dem Moment, als man ihn quasi durchschaut hat (Discus hört wie Gast das Handtuch wirft), folgt XXI wieder auf pingelige Weise den Regeln. Ich glaube es ist viel wichtiger, ob der Kämpfer auf die Anweisung der Organisatoren achten, statt auf die Aufgabe des Gegners. Im Kampf Kat vs Kakarot, da hat das Magical Girl mehrmals ausgerufen aufzugeben, aber die Vargas haben Kakarot nicht disqualifziert, obwohl er wiederholt auf einen Gegner zuschlägt, der bereits aufgegeben hat.

XXI profane Ausdrucksweise kann darauf deuten, dass er Gast nicht vorllständig konsumieren kann, nicht weil er sich Sorgen machen muss, disqualifiziert zu werden. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2446
iron leaf 23 Siječnja
Roshi is pretty good at analyzing. Too bad he's not also good at assisting in battle. 1 Replie(s)
Saigo no Son page 14
iron leaf 22 Siječnja
Are the huge nipples actually an reference to Gonzossm?
Chibi Son Bra did her best! page 188
iron leaf 22 Siječnja
I really like how it's ambiguous whether Raditz also killed Gohan or kidnapped him.
Saigo no Son page 13
iron leaf 22 Siječnja
If we were to hypothetically draw a time of divergence between U19 and U18 from DBM. Then it would be here. In the U19 novel, Raditz also decided to kill Son Gohan.

I'm very excited to see what this comic has to offer.
Saigo no Son page 12
iron leaf 22 Siječnja
He wants Physalis to put on some clothes. Oh the irony.
Yamoshi Story page 56
iron leaf 22 Siječnja
Of course the company is from 'Mosch' xD
Super Dragon Bros Z page 114
iron leaf 22 Siječnja
Discus hat Gast jetzt aber echt das Leben gerettet. XXI würde weiter essen, aber nun muss er abbrechen. Frage mich warum er das super-sensitive Hören von Namekianer nicht Bedacht hat. Vielleicht ging XXI tatsächlich davon aus, dass nicht nur keine Ki durch den Rauch kommt, sondern auch kein Sound. Bin auf die Reaktione auf der nächsten Seite gespannt. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2445
iron leaf 22 Siječnja
Killing is allowed in the tournament. The Vargas are very open with this rule. XXI has the right to kill Gast by consuming him. XXI also had the right to assume that he can continue to nibble on Gast as long as the organizers do not hear the Namekian. As already mentioned, it is not relevant whether the fighter gives up, but whether the organizers declare the fight finished. XXI is only in trouble if he kills Gast now. Because the Vargas now know that he was alive when he surrendered.

In other words, if XXI stops torturing Gast now, he should be safe from any accusations of disqualification.
DB Multiverse page 2445
iron leaf 22 Siječnja
Always so weird seeing Buu wrapping his slimy body around someone.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 59
iron leaf 22 Siječnja
Wow, Discus saved Gast's life.
DB Multiverse page 2445
iron leaf 21 Siječnja
Asura, Happy Birthday.
DB Multiverse page 2444
iron leaf 15 Siječnja
Armer Goku. In sehr vielen 'Was wäre wenn' Geschichten, in der Raditz überlebt, geht das auf Kosten von Goku's Leben.
Saigo no Son page 10
iron leaf 15 Siječnja
Ach Erinnerung an eines der ersten Videospiele.
Super Dragon Bros Z page 112
iron leaf 15 Siječnja
I guess Gast is miscalculating here. And involuntarily gives his opponent more of a chance. I doubt a simple Ki attack will defeat XXI in the end. This is no Hatchiyak,
DB Multiverse page 2442
iron leaf 15 Siječnja
Gast muss schon größere Geschütze aufstellen, um den Sieg davonzutragen. Also, spezielle Technicken, nicht bloß eine starke Ki-Attacke.
DB Multiverse page 2442
iron leaf 12 Siječnja
Alastor was saying:
Nach dem Satz ich verschlinge dich nur vermute ich XXI könnte wirklich versuchen alle Universen zu verschlingen.
Bestimmt eine Art Vorahnung für den Plot nach dem Kampf gegen Gast. Im Turnierkampf darf XXI seinen Gegner quasi 'verschlingen'. Perfekte Gelegenheit um einen der größten Bedrohungen für XXI auszuschalten. Und das regelkonform.
DB Multiverse page 2441
iron leaf 12 Siječnja
So okay, Gast just tried to teleport with IT, and at that exact moment the dragon scale shuriken flew through and missed him? But if he can't use IT, then it must mean that he just blitzed briefly from one position to the next in that little area there, right?

Grey Goo Trope. I knew it. A conscious being who can consume anything. In the DBZ movies, there was the goo that Bio-Broly had created. In DBM there's the Carbonite instead. But XXI can control it. I'm really curious as to why he doesn't use this until Gast and why he seems to be taking so much time here. In other words, he's actually trying to fight Gast first, when he could start consuming right away. 3 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2441
iron leaf 12 Siječnja
Now I'm getting some Ainz Ooal Gown vibes from XXI. Although he's known as a powerful Magic caster and that seems to be his biggest strength, it looks like he has his chances in one-on-one combat as well. (He eliminated the mini-ZenBuu head with Ki and Buu was admittedly not prepared to fight at the time)

yaosers was saying:
For some reason this form of XXI reminds me of Ikki from Saint Seiya.
The possibility is there, considering how U19 has strong references to Saint Seiya. Both Foenidis and Salagir have mentioned Seint Seiya several times. There would be some influence in general.
DB Multiverse page 2440
iron leaf 12 Siječnja
Also ich hätte nie mit dieser Shuriken-Attacke mit den 'Drachen'-Schuppen seiner Arme gerechnet. Das ist wirklich auf eine bestimmte Art besonders, selbst für XXI.
DB Multiverse page 2440
iron leaf 10 Siječnja
The couple from page 2356 had the right attitude. Normal viewers haven't really been able to follow the fights for a long time. Actually, for most people, not much has changed in terms of viewing experience in the tournament for a few fights anyway.
DB Multiverse page 2439
iron leaf 7 Siječnja
So far, it has not deviated from the U19 Novel. (If we wanted to speculate how much more it could be adapted with DBM)
Either it will become a longer fight that goes into the second round, or Piccolo and Goku will meet their end here.
Saigo no Son page 7
iron leaf 7 Siječnja
Ich hab Raditz Ki-Attacken irgendwie vermisst. Nicht unbedingt was besonderes, aber man hätte mehr daraus machen können. Naja, wenn man ihn nicht sofort getötet und bis zum Ende der Serie komplett vergessen hätte.
Saigo no Son page 7
iron leaf 7 Siječnja
ZenBuu was saying:
Please correct me if I'm wrong, since I'm not really up to date with any recent retcons that were made regarding the Saiyans past.
Yes. xD

Unfortunately, there is now no real standardized canon (as already mentioned), because things are constantly being changed in relation to Saiyans. DBM follows the original interpretation that the Saiyans were absolutely barbarians and only evolved through the technology of the Tuffles and Frostdemons. In the more recent interpretation, Saiyans had their own technology from the beginning. Thibault follows the modern principle, of course, when it is supposed to be about THE legend surrounding the SSG.
Yamoshi Story page 52
iron leaf 7 Siječnja
Das geht schon Richtung Reizwäsche. Und da denke ich mir ... "huh?"

Woher kommt das, wenn die normale Kleidung so ... primitiv aussieht. Klar, Fanservice. Aber in-universe Erklärung, ist mir wichtig. Das bricht schon meine Immersion in der Geschichte. Mein zweiter Gedanke war, "netter Hintern Physalis ;)"

Ein netter, harmloser, sexy Gag. Ich kann damit leben, gebraucht hätte ich das aber ehrlich gesagt nicht.
Yamoshi Story page 52
iron leaf 6 Siječnja
According to the first chapter of the U19 Novel, this is still all adaptable for DBM Canon. The change will certainly happen in the following pages. What exactly do you think will happen? Because there are a few what-ifs of Raditz surviving Piccolo's attack already.

Konzraid was saying:
ZenBuu was saying: PrimeFighter was saying: Breh i should've started commenting years ago here but I couldn't get the login to work on mobile. It's so janky. They need to fix that tbh
What exactly is "so janky" about that?? Please elaborate!
I had some discussions with Salagir about this a while ago already and he made some fixes that definitely improved login on mobile. At least I only received positive feedback. Personally I don't even think it was that bad before either, I never had problems to login on my phone. But ok...
So what exactly needs more improvement? This is also a funny thing, I read comments like this sometimes and always people just complain about it, but do not give actual advice on how to make it better. When we don't know where the "problem" lies, we can't really improve and "fix" it, right?

Damian Qualshy was saying: I dunno, I'm using DBM only on mobile but it became easier to use lately except for zooming in on pages.
I talked with Salagir about that twice too, and he improved it twice. For me it's working perfectly now. It's not as sensitive anymore as it was before, zooming doesn't accidentally switch pages anymore and it also only switches pages, when you are actually looking at the page itself, not when you scroll down to the comment section.

According to my profile page i’ve had my log in for 1,890 days now and i have been on mobile ever since, i could place comments since day one, used zoom in outs just fine and i click on the page to advance them.
Overall i don’t know what’s so “janky” about mobile(i am currently using a 6th gen apple ipad i acquired back in 2018 and an Oppo Reno 7 (which works just as fine as the ipad).
I truly do not understand why some people struggle on mobile.

I did notice the fixes being in place but overall i stayed unaffected, again i fail to see the problems some members are having, maybe it’s the navigator they’re using?
I have always used Opera for comic reading and such so idk.

This is merely my personal experience and i normally don’t comment a whole lot, my apologies if i have gone off topic but i kind of felt the need to point out my personal experience with the site itself which has never given me any issues ever.
ZenBuu has always passed on any concerns regarding the Moblie version to Salagir in the past, so that it has been improved again and again over time. There was a recent announcement about this in the news section.
— > https://w...tml?id_news2=15

In this regard, ZenBuu was naturally a little confused that someone reported that there were still problems with the mobile version shortly after there was a major update. But the problem lies more in how you express your criticism. It's not what you say, but the way you say it.
Saigo no Son page 6
iron leaf 6 Siječnja
Ich hätte es gerne bevorzugt zu sehen wie die Höllenspirale an den beiden vorbeifliegt. Dennoch, ein guter Start, bin gespannt was Raditz nun tut und wie er es tun wird.
Saigo no Son page 6
iron leaf 6 Siječnja
Ein Klassiker. Was wäre, wenn Raditz den Angriff von Piccolo irgendwie ausgewichen wäre und den Kampf überlebte.
Saigo no Son page 5
iron leaf 6 Siječnja
Ach der arme Son Gohan, der musste schon in Canon mit Piccolo klarkommen. Hier wird ihm bestimmt noch schlimmeres wiederfahren.
Saigo no Son page 2
iron leaf 6 Siječnja
I have to admit, I've read Goten-Kun's other comics elsewhere, which is why I haven't actively followed and commented on it here on the DBM website. This one, however, is brand new to me and I quite like the premise.
Saigo no Son page 1
iron leaf 6 Siječnja
Yamoshi is such a softie. ...
This might fit into the theme of the creation of a SSG. But overall, not a fan of nice Saiyans, as if they were humans with monkey-tails.
Yamoshi Story page 51
iron leaf 6 Siječnja
Ich war nie ein Fan die Saiyajins wie normale Menschen darzustellen. Lediglich mit Affenschwänzen.
Die Szene hier ist süß, gebe ich zu, aber kein Fan von der Prämisse.
Yamoshi Story page 51
iron leaf 6 Siječnja
Looks like Buu will get something to do after all. He'll be dealing with Janemba, but that shouldn't take long. Meanwhile, Gogeta and Broly continue to fight.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 55
iron leaf 6 Siječnja
Das sieht echt grandios aus.
Super Dragon Bros Z page 109
iron leaf 6 Siječnja
Oh, it's a reference to page-1336 and Captain Hindsight from South Park. Awesome.

le nuage was saying:
This one is for all those who call me le nAUge and who think I'm a girl.
Don't fool us, you just want Asura to draw le nauge in the main comic. xD
Chibi Son Bra did her best! page 186
iron leaf 6 Siječnja
Ich sehe Susu, und ich bin glücklich.
Chibi Son Bra did her best! page 186
iron leaf 6 Siječnja
WongTing was saying:
ZenBuu was saying: Bubbles was saying: iron leaf was saying: Kururun was saying: ...Videl is not 10 years old.
Correct, she is actually 14.

While she does look a little small, she was fairly short too during Buu saga.
That is also incorrect lol

Videl should be 16 here (born in age 756), even though I also think she looks a bit younger here than that. She was 18 at the start of the Buu Saga (age 774) and this story is placed 2 years before that (age 772).

That's objectively false. Videl was 16 in age 774. Your math is wrong, she's the same age as Gohan and they literally state Gohan's age at the beginning of the Buu Saga.

She should be 14 here but does appear a bit young.

It says it in Kai too which Toriyama has accepted more Canon to his Story then his own Manga, which can be argued as a scan as well.

Additionally you can do the math yourself like I said.

Gohan is 4 at the start of the series.

1 year timeskip. Hes 5.
Ten days they leave to Namek, 34 days it takes to get there. 6 more days til Goku arrives.

Then one full year passes when Trunks arrives. He's now 6.

3 years. He's 9 (physically 10 due to the rotc) and finally 7 years later. 16, physically 17.
But what source (scene, dialog, etc.) directly states that Videl is exactly the same age as Gohan at the beginning of the Buu arc? If the point is that they both go to the same class and therefore we could argue they're both the same age, then that's just speculation and not fact.
DB Multiverse page 2436
iron leaf 5 Siječnja
Erstmal "Run Boy Run" von Woodkid abspielen xD
DB Multiverse page 2438
iron leaf 5 Siječnja
Poor Oni-Boy. Does this indicate the smoke is some kind of grey-goo-trope?
DB Multiverse page 2438
iron leaf 5 Siječnja
Was du beschreibst ist ein ganz normales Ding. Ein Kapitel endet, und dann kommt das nächste. Dieses endet auch irgendwann. Manchmal endet ein Kapitel mit einem Cliffhanger, manchmal nicht. Keine Raketenwissenschaft.
DB Multiverse page 2437
iron leaf 3 Siječnja
Very reminiscent of Luke vs Palpatine from Star Wars. But thanks to Anakin, the Emperor was defeated. If we follow the analogy for DBM, someone here would have to help Gast. Someone close to him will save him? Maybe we'll see Thorn in some way? Or a reverse-Evil Janemba who then helps Gast?
DB Multiverse page 2437
iron leaf 2 Siječnja
Videl is not 10 years old. 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2436
iron leaf 1 Siječnja
Für mich war das ein offensichtlicher 'red herring'.
Yamoshi Story page 50
iron leaf 1 Siječnja
Ich mag die Vibes vom König.
Yamoshi Story page 49
iron leaf 1 Siječnja
BangBang was saying:
I thought Saiyans were evil by default.
This is how they were introduced. Worse than Piccolo, who was seen as the earthly devil. New lore was added over time.

As already mentioned, from the 2010s onwards, the Saiyans were portrayed differently on a fundamental level. So much so that there are already people in the fandom who are completely surprised and confused by the very idea that Saiyans could be evil. 1 Replie(s)
Yamoshi Story page 48
iron leaf 1 Siječnja
Natürlich wäre bei einer Indiana Jones Hommage der Dragonball der verlorene Schatz, der geborgen werden muss. Genial.
Super Dragon Bros Z page 108
iron leaf 1 Siječnja
Das ist viel grafischer, als ich dachte. Ich beschwere mich allerdings nicht.
Super Dragon Bros Z page 105
iron leaf 1 Siječnja
The misconception that Bulma has always been a profoundly good person comparable to Goku and Gohan seems to be a widespread Mandela-effect.
DB Multiverse page 2434
iron leaf 1 Siječnja
Nan-chan was saying:
Bottom left looks like super 17 lol
Also somehow Dr gero ain't afraid of aliens with great chances are superior to whatever maximum power lvl the earth welcomed , aside of the saiyans the earth is a weak planet

In page 490 he quickly obliterated cell junio by finding his main core and pew pew it
Gohan recation was "he guessed he had one?" A foreshadow to this special chapter ig xD
You've been paying attention. This can really happen in these specials about Gast on Earth. Gast will probably find out towards the end that Cell has a Nucleus in the first place and take advantage of it. So that he can use that knowledge in the fight against Cell. Jr in the DBM tournament he'll know immediately where to aim.
DB Multiverse page 2433
iron leaf 1 Siječnja
Master? Oh, Universe 9 sends its regards.

I love how it's a given for DBM that Videl would have naturally joined the Z-Fighters. In any what-if that take place before or around the Buu arc (of U18), it's only natural that Videl would somehow always be involved in the plot.

I really have to send out a love note to DBM for knowing how to write Videl's character. Not like others ... DB series. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2436
iron leaf 1 Siječnja
Meister Krillin. Ha. U9 lässt grüßen. Ich finde es außerordentlich gut, wie Videl im Prinzip in allen Universen auf natürliche Art ein neues Mitglied der Z-Fighter Clique wäre.
DB Multiverse page 2436
iron leaf 30 Prosinca
Feisty Videl ist best Videl. I sure hope Gast can save them somehow. Even if Cell and Buu will run amok in U7.
DB Multiverse page 2435
iron leaf 30 Prosinca
Videl, wie sie leibt und lebt. Immer die Hartnäckige.
DB Multiverse page 2435
iron leaf 29 Prosinca
Wie ironisch es nun wäre, wenn Gero jetzt ausgerechnet die ausgemusterten #17 und #18 für Cell's Metamorphose auswählt. Ich tippe mal, in diesem Universum, hat Gero diese beiden sofort wieder abgeschaltet, nachdem er realisierte, wie ungehorsamn die beiden sind.
DB Multiverse page 2433
iron leaf 23 Prosinca
It looks like Thorn wrote the e-mail, and I'm sure he agrees that Gast represents Icarion in some way, after saving them from Cooler.
DB Multiverse page 2432
iron leaf 21 Prosinca
Yay, Videl. Always a fan of more DBM Videl variants. And I really like her outfit too. Very reminiscent of her high school outfit in U18. Mhm, this story is set in Age 772, so if I did my math right, U7 Videl is about 16 years old here now. ... Well, that means Asura will be drawing some awesome fanart of her soon, lol.

Imagine they owe it to Giran and his Merry-Go-Round Gum that they were able to defeat an android. Ha, one can dream.

King Kindred was saying:
Wow. We finally get a future timeline with Hercule and Videl, but Gohan's dead.
Oh no. This just reminds me too much of the DBM Novel about U14 called, “One Way”.
Gohan Dead, Videl and Mr. Satan .... Oh no, please don't. Gast don't let those two die. The way they died in the U14 Novel was so heartbreaking, I may start crying again.
DB Multiverse page 2431
iron leaf 21 Prosinca
Ich bin ein einfacher Typ, ich sehe eine Fanfic-Version von Videl, und schon bin ich glücklich.
DB Multiverse page 2431
iron leaf 21 Prosinca
عمار was saying:
PrinceOfTheHood was saying: Wait ... ...

... ... you mean to say that Doctor Gero was NEVER shown in DBM, until now ? Goodies - i never noticed. And i always see Raichi as kinda the same. Character-Design and so on.
Well, he was shown in Future Trunks thoughts on page 2154 and also in a mini comic.
Oh, I forgot about that. Unfortunately, I have to correct my statement.

In other words, if you leave out the mini-comics and only consider Salagir's input for DBM, then we can talk about Gero's debut. (Since Chapter 92 was designed by Xeno Black, not Salagir).
DB Multiverse page 2430
iron leaf 21 Prosinca
Small reminder of rule #12.
Commenting on other users is not necessary. In the end, everyone is allowed to express their opinion as long as it is not offensive or breaks the rules.
321Y page 368
iron leaf 21 Prosinca
Schöne Anspielung an Goku, der ebenfalls off-screen mächtig gewachsen ist.
321Y page 368
iron leaf 21 Prosinca
With Asura, the throne room scene from Star Wars was clearly the template, but here, what was the inspiration for this fanart?
Aside of the three musketeers reference. 1 Replie(s)
Fanart #3763
iron leaf 21 Prosinca
Are the other Saiyans now dead or zombified? You don't hoard something like that in a cave, lol.
Yamoshi Story page 46
iron leaf 21 Prosinca
Vielleicht wird Janembas Fähigkeit eingeführt, mit der Enma Daio in eine Art Süßigkeitengefängnis gesperrt wurde. Das könnte die Handlung in eine bestimmte Richtung lenken. Es ist kaum zu glauben, dass ich das sage, aber rein vom Powerlevel her ist Janemba nur eine kleine Fliege im Vergleich zu Ugly-Buu, Gogeta und Broly.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 50
iron leaf 19 Prosinca
At this point, it's kind of late for an evacuation. Something is going to happen regarding Janemba, wonder what exactly.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 50
iron leaf 19 Prosinca
Das Pacing legt einen Zahn zu, wie ich sehe.
321Y page 367
iron leaf 19 Prosinca
Zerrt Piccoshi extra her, damit dieser stattdessen von der Attacke erwischt wird. Lol.
Super Dragon Bros Z page 104
iron leaf 19 Prosinca
I like how Blastoise had enough time to dodge the attack and get Gohan to safety. Dodging could also have been interpreted as 'Protect Gohan from the attack'.
Super Dragon Bros Z page 104
iron leaf 19 Prosinca
Don't forget. DBM is canon to Broly Final War. But Broly Final War is not canon to DBM. 1 Replie(s)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 48
iron leaf 19 Prosinca
Ladies and gentlemen. This is Dr. Gero's debut page in DBM.

Agree with the theory about the sort-of failed attack of #19 and #20, which forced Gero to retreat and activate the other Androids (#17 and #18).
Even though it was never really explained, I assumed on my own that this is exactly how it must have played out. Very glad that a lot of other DB fans feel the same way about the initial attack by the androids. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2430
iron leaf 19 Prosinca
Blau Broly was saying:
wurde das überhaupt mal gesagt wo Goku das Herzvirus her bekommen hat? also wenn er das auf Namek bekommen haben soll dann kann er nur im Kampf gestorben sein bis jetzt wissen wir auch nicht ob in Diesen Uni c16/17/18/19 überhaubt gibs Gast sagte nur beim Turnier das es die cyborgs in ihren Uni alles getötet haben und man darf nicht vergessen das über C17/18 gesprochen würde im Tunier Siehe das Doppel Spacle von Trunks an da war Gast auch schon da

Die Sache mit dem Herzvirus aus dem Weltall, das wurde nie bestätigt. Es ist tatsächlich lediglich ein hartnäckiger Headcanon.
DB Multiverse page 2429
iron leaf 19 Prosinca
Somit sind vom Kern Z-Fighter Team nur noch Krillin und Bulma übrig. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2430
iron leaf 16 Prosinca
Nuage always manages to deliver. Haha.
Chibi Son Bra did her best! page 183
iron leaf 16 Prosinca
Who is the blond chick next to I'K'L again? 1 Replie(s)
Chibi Son Bra did her best! page 182
iron leaf 16 Prosinca
I see Science-Bulma (compared to Adventure-Bulma) loves to smoke a cigarette in the lab in any universe.

Please pay attention to rule #9 and #12.
No double posts. You can edit your post before you write 2 comments in a row. And refrain from mocking other users.
1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2429
iron leaf 16 Prosinca
2 cyborgs down. How many are there in U7?
DB Multiverse page 2428
iron leaf 11 Prosinca
A risky move by Krillin. If #31 hadn't been distracted by #28's overlong absence at that moment, he would have noticed Krillin's arrival beforehand and initiated countermeasures. Otherwise the statement from 3/4 pages ago wouldn't make sense. Krillin himself has mentioned that the Androids can detect him immediately if he flies.

And as it stands, it only takes a single contact between the absorption point in the android's hand and the body for the person to be completely incapacitated. The way it works is very reminiscent of a reference to King Midas. Everything Midas touched turned to gold. Everything the androids touch is immediately drained of energy and incapacitated. (And only when direct contact with the person is broken is the energy absorption interrupted). It wasn't like that with #19 or Gero. Either it's just the enhancements for the new Androids or Salagir has a very loose interpretation of the Androids in that regard.
DB Multiverse page 2427
iron leaf 11 Prosinca
Alastor was saying:
iron leaf sagte: Thorn hat es drauf. Sehr froh DBM hat diesen Charakter nicht aufgegeben.
Du hast ja vor ein paar Seiten über den Jenemba Film geredet ich freue mich das du gesagt hast der wäre so cool ich kann den nämlich jetzt schauen und bin dadurch sehr gehyped.
Viel Spaß beim gucken. Ich finde "Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn" ist ein sehr unterhaltsamer Film. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2426
iron leaf 11 Prosinca
Riskanter Move von Krillin. Wäre C31 nicht in diesem Augenblick von C28's zu langer Abwesenheit abgelenkt, hätte er Krillin's Ankunft vorher bemerkt und Gegenmaßnahmen eingeleitet. Sonst würde die Aussage von vor 3/4 Seiten keine Sinn ergeben.

Und so wie es aussieht, braucht es ledilgich einen einzigen Kontakt zwischen Absorptionspunkt in der Hand des Cyborgs und den Körper, damit die Person komplett Kampfunfähig wird.
DB Multiverse page 2427
iron leaf 9 Prosinca
I just love it when ...
ingenuity - special ability - tactics - technique >>> power level

And for the second time in this special. Thorn is proving himself right now. Very happy to see what you can do with a simple side character from 10 years ago. (My concern is that Thorn is presented here as Gast's companion, but does not appear in the DBM tournament. I really hope he doesn't die in the fight against Cell or Buu)
DB Multiverse page 2426
iron leaf 9 Prosinca
Thorn hat es drauf. Sehr froh DBM hat diesen Charakter nicht aufgegeben. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2426
iron leaf 6 Prosinca
Let's go Gogeta. Do what U20 UltraBuu did a year ago, when fighting Broly on Earth. Only punches and kicks. Cause we know that works against Broly apparently. ... Jokes's aside, Gogeta really needs to show something other than punches and kicks but with a higher number.
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 46
iron leaf 6 Prosinca
I like how we still don't get to see her face.
321Y page 362
iron leaf 6 Prosinca
Guys, don't forget. Gast had no idea what was coming. #28 took the opportunity to incapacitate Gast as quickly as possible.
#19 did this to Goku and Vegeta when the opportunity presented itself. (Sure, Goku was suffering from his heart virus, and Vegeta intentionally allowed himself to be absorbed to test a theory). Nonetheless, both Goku and Vegeta were so weakened after #19's absorption that they were unable to fight. Yes, Vegeta actually needed the Senzu Bean from Krillin to maintain the SSJ1 and go after Gero.

I won't deny the Gero vs Piccolo thing though. It's true, when in passive mode where you don't flare your ki, the effect of absorption isn't the same. Since Gast was actually completely calm when #28 started draining his energy, we can assume that once the Androids stop stealing Gast's energy, the Namekian could fight again.
The big question is who will provide the opening for Gast, Krillin or Thorn. 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 2425
iron leaf 6 Prosinca
Wirklich beeindruckt von der Richtung dieses Spezial gerade einschlägt. Gast wurde überwältigt, aber nicht mit Powerlevel, sondern durch ein Gimmick. Jetzt, leigt es an den Sidekicks, Krillin und Thorn, irgendwie den Tag zu retten. Sehr gespannt wie es weitergeht.
DB Multiverse page 2425
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