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Mondo Cool2024-12-29 Komentiraj ovo?
Recreating in video the novel about U4 Buu!Playlist:

ThebritwriterEN2024-12-08 Komentiraj ovo?
So I did this because I felt like it and see how it compares to asura. My approach was to treat it like an actual cover and see if it brings intrigue.It’s a refrence to the three musketeers (three star on gast) along with other detailed hints on the chapter or other stuff in background, I wanted to give a ominous vibe.

bobopopFR2024-12-03 Komentiraj ovo?
Page du combat de broly final war un peu remasterisée avec les fantomes, je trouvais dommage de ne pas les voir
Inksterjack EN2024-11-16 Komentiraj ovo?
I like the name broly buster. I can't draw like asura , but maybe someday.
RanruES2024-11-04 Komentiraj ovo?
Son bra al estilo 90's
Broly SSJFR2024-11-01 Komentiraj ovo?
Broly de l’univers 20