DB Multiverse
Homola Gábor
24 Fanarts
24 Fanarts

Homola GáborHU2018-08-17 Komentiraj ovo?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDvoZpV-550Here is my 3rd "animation".
I colored almost every page about it, but I got some help from Schalepetri and a lot of from ZenBuu.
I hope you like and enjoy it ;)

Homola GáborHU2017-11-12 Komentiraj ovo?
There is a new "animation" from me, but it is shorter than previous.I colored almost every page about it, but I got some help from Schalepetri and ZenBuu.
I hope you like and enjoy it ;)

Homola GáborHU2017-11-11 Komentiraj ovo?
There is a new "animation" from me, but it is shorter than previous.I colored almost every page about it, but I got some help from Schalepetri and ZenBuu.
I hope you like and enjoy it ;)

Homola GáborHU2017-02-06 Komentiraj ovo?
This is an "animation" of 51th chapter of DBM.I colored almost every page about it, but I got some help from Schalepetri and Argelios. It took a lot of time to do it.

Homola GáborHU2016-06-29 Komentiraj ovo?
My new drawings! I hope you like them.http://homolagabor.deviantart.com

Homola GáborHU2015-09-26 Komentiraj ovo?
Gast Carchol Vs Dr. Raichi with him two monsters, Ghost Broly and Hachiyack.Drawn by Bloodsplach
Colored by me
We hope you like our new project.

Homola GáborHU2014-05-16 Komentiraj ovo?
The fight of the fathers - Bardock Vs King Coldhttp://homolagabor.deviantart.com/art/Cold-vs-Bardock-450408193

Homola GáborHU2013-11-12 Komentiraj ovo?
U8 King Cold Vs U3 Bardockold version: http://ho...ckSSJ-379694634

Homola GáborHU2013-11-07 Komentiraj ovo?
U6 Girls: Jet,Syd,Kat,Mai.http://homolagabor.deviantart.com/art/DBM-U6-Girls-411915386

Homola GáborHU2012-05-19 Komentiraj ovo?
Vegita female, traditional art(See it on D.A.)
Univerzum 4 Super Buu, traditional art

Homola GáborHU2011-01-15 Komentiraj ovo?
See it on D.A.
Homola GáborHU2010-09-22 Komentiraj ovo?
See it on D.A.
Homola GáborHU2010-06-02 Komentiraj ovo?
I snatched a detail out from one of the sides of your comic strip, and I embellished it:)See it on D.A.

Homola GáborHU2009-10-31 Komentiraj ovo?
Kakarotto in SSJ3It would be looked at with pleasure one SSJ3 fight.
I hope so i like it my drawing
See it on D.A.
Re-coloration by Flutch 85130