Τι εννοείς, Bardock;
Αυτός... είχε πραγματικά δυνάμεις!!
Αν έχει δίκιο...
Toma! Πότε είναι η επόμενη επίσκεψη του Frieza;
Δεν έχει κανονιστεί. Μπορεί σε ένα ή δυο χρόνια.
Τι; Ο Frieza είναι εδώ;
Ήρθε χωρίς να μας ειδοποιήσει;
Είναι ώρα να του πω αυτό που σκέφτομαι. Δεν είμαστε ούτε οι σκλάβοι του ούτε οι υπηρέτες του!!
Δε μου έχει πει καν τα νέα του γιου μου!
In Dragon Ball Z episode 78, there is a flash back scene with King Vegeta attacking Freeza. The latter says that this attack was the reason for the planet's destruction (Toei likes to contradict itself).
Also in the manga, Freeza says that he killed King Vegeta himself (volume 25, just before he transforms).
So we made a scene taking the best of all :
— Freeza decide to destroy the planet, then go to it.
— First, King Vegeta comes on his ship, and talks to him very harshly. He is killed.
— Then, Freeza takes the army out, Baddack show off a little, and the army and planet are destroyed by Freeza.