![Minicomic Page 87 [DBM PAGE IMAGE]](/image.php?idp=2000087&lg=en&ext=jpg&pw=983b74c5389daddfe70a16f9247fba04)
Image: the drafts of Nihonsinjim.
Image: drafts of the two authors face to face!
Image: "magnificent" draft of a panel by Salagir.
Image: Once again, terrible draft by Salagir
Images: the androids' designs, assembled by Salagir for the cartoonists.
Image: Arcady's draft, like almost greater than the final result!
Images :
- Ouv panel version 1, before Salagir changed completely the character! Bad Salagir!
- The character design of BuuGast by stef84 for other cartoonists.