DB Multiverse
All the challengers have arrived. We have randomly selected the matches.
May the fighters get ready.
Are you ready for these fights?
I am. These battles will indeed stand against the test of time itself.
I agree. Just know that if we somehow meet on the ring, I won’t hold back.
And the same goes for you. I won’t pull any punches.
It now begins.
May the fighters get ready.
Are you ready for these fights?
I am. These battles will indeed stand against the test of time itself.
I agree. Just know that if we somehow meet on the ring, I won’t hold back.
And the same goes for you. I won’t pull any punches.
It now begins.
Sequel of this universe is this way.

February 11th
New comic on DBMultiverse!
★ The inexorable distortion ★
By Chibi Dam'Z and Mirai channel95, 3 new pages per week!