DB Multiverse

It’s incredible! I see your hearts! I see through you, sir! I see you, too! You...

... ...
You are all... terrible people!

You again...

I want Gohan and his friends back.

Stop coming, Videl.

You were nice once! Remember my fath...

I’m teleporting you back to Earth.
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DB Multiverse
Page 2474
Chibi Son Bra did her best!
Page 198
DBMultiverse Colors
Page 317
Super Dragon Bros Z
Page 133
DB Blancoverse
Page 106
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War
Page 79
Yamoshi Story
Page 75
Saigo no Son
Page 42
The inexorable distortion
Page 25
February 11th

New comic on DBMultiverse!

[img][img]What happens to Trunks in Dragon Ball Super, after the Black Gokû saga?

★ The inexorable distortion ★

By Chibi Dam'Z and Mirai channel95, 3 new pages per week!

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2019-02-02 08:58:18


Why exactly couldn't they just wish for

A. To go back in time to warn the heroes about Buu
B. To remove the heroes inside of Buu
C. A time machine to go back in time to warn the heroes about Buu
D. To make Goku and the heroes immune to Buu's Magic and able to leave

Or a multitude of other ways Buu could be stopped?

2019-02-02 09:30:44


....wow, Buu is breaking his own rules....he didn't grant Videl's wish, NOR did he kill her!
2019-02-02 10:10:31

Your Chirs

Are you able to wish for a copy of the person/people you want back? Maybe if they went to Namek and use the dragonballs there, they may have a shot at bringing everyone back. Depending on how that kind of wish works, they maybe the exact same, or, they are all too powerful and the dragon can only bring them back with some strength. Maybe 20-30 percent of there max? Just a thought.
2019-02-02 11:09:13

Schwarzer Ritter


A. Time travel in Dragon Ball does not change the present.
B. Wishes do not work on someone too strong without his consent and careful wording does not change that. That is why a wish can not reach the insides of Buu.
C. See A.
D. See B.
2019-02-02 12:01:40

Karoly ssjL

> Everyone

Buu could create some avatars and put them under Gohan, Goku and friend's control, always keeping their souls inside of himself..
2019-02-02 15:32:20


so, buu can use instant transmission on other people? huh, neat.
2019-02-02 16:28:57


This page just makes me want more!!!♡♡♡
2019-02-02 16:30:15

Gast Carcolh

Did mr satan stay on earth? I recall buu saying he is on another planet, but I don't remember. Can anyone confirm either way?
2019-02-02 16:56:41


@Gast Carcolh
Yes he is still on earth. The whole operation "Go Inside Buu" didn't go well for Goku and Vegeta in this universe, so their was no Kid Buu to destroy the earth and Goku having to use inatant transmission on Mr.Satan to go to the Kais' planet.

Say, why didn't Goku save his sons, Trunks, and Piccolo in the original universe again? I know that Goku was in a time situatuon with Kid Buu about to destroy the planet in t-minus 30 seconds but he's almost as fast as lightning when he was a kid, so at this point of time of the DB series he should be around 1/25th of the speed of light or something. More than enough speed to grab 4 cocoons, and Mr.Satan.
2019-02-02 17:59:31


Surprised Buu didn't simply kill Videl... Maybe a soft spot because of Gohan inside him? I dunno...

Simple BS so Goku and Vegeta could have their time shining while using the dragon balls (since it's the name of the manga right) and Mr. Satan showing he can be a good person.
If Gohan was there, he would simply win, as I believe Kid Buu is supposed to be a little weaker than Super Buu (without anyone absorbed) and on par with SSJ3 Goku.
2019-02-02 18:15:48


So what if Zen Buu's wish is to create seperate copies of Goku and the others to stay on earth while keeping him still him
2019-02-02 19:43:28



I meant how does a earthling come there? i mean bulma was absobred so there and in DBZ universe humanity can't travel through space
2019-02-02 20:03:38


Dr.Briefs was able to make a space ship that could get to planet namek a few days earlier than the namekian ship. So it's totally plausiable that Briefs, (or some other scientist being paid with tournament money won by Mr.Satan(or Videl)) could build another.
2019-02-02 20:42:38

Gogito Lite

You know the ironic thing? It might just be the fact that the Gohan inside of Buu is holding him back from instantly killing Videl. But if he grants her wish, then he'd expel Gohan and lose some of that self-control and then kill her....or...

2019-02-02 20:57:41


@a nerd vs the world
You're right, completely slipped my mind - though Dr. Briefs is a genius, and if they still have Cell's time machine, Dr. Briefs could probably fix it up if need be, or create a new one.
2019-02-02 21:08:32


I mean, Gohan was unconscious before Kid Buu blew up the Earth. Yes Goku should have tried saving them but we don't know how long Gohan, Goten, Trunks and Piccolo would have stayed unconscious, would have taken to wake up so they may or may not have been a deciding factor in that fight.
2019-02-02 21:14:44

Mr. Blue

On the 2nd panel the alien yelled "WAOW" instead of "WOW". Was that a mistake?
2019-02-02 21:40:51

Grey Sky

This raises an interesting question of if buu really values satan's friendship at all anymore. Like does he ever visit him?
2019-02-02 23:16:34

Spank it Broly!!

Thinking about it, technically, buu had become like Mary Sue, since he has all of these talents now.
2019-02-02 23:32:06


No way, Mary Sue will be always beyond everyone, that's the definition of her character ;)

Even if Saitama arrive, Mary Sue will kill him XD
2019-02-02 23:44:56


At this point if I was videl I would ask to be absorbed
2019-02-03 02:07:49



Could you please link me that fanfic? I remember reading it, I just can't recall the title and it was a bloody banger.
2019-02-03 02:24:54


>Could you please link me that fanfic? I remember reading it, I just can't recall the title and it was a bloody banger.
No he may not since it will be breaking rule #6. He can drop the title at the end of a page related post.

That said you are both more than welcome to make an account on the english forum http://dbmenglish.freeforums.net and get your fanficcing on in said subsection.

2019-02-03 02:24:37

Anonymous Entity


It was my assumption we were looking at the line from Hoi's point of view, and he was close to the front, that being the reason he heard everything in such perfect detail. That may not be the case, though.
2019-02-03 03:28:20


About half way down the line there’s another sign reading “Dick wishes are KOS!” lol
2019-02-03 03:53:23


Videl: Give me back my husbando!

Buu: No

"Snaps Videl back to Earth"
2019-02-03 04:24:18


Summon the dragon, go back in time, create time clones of the Z fighters and bring them back to the present. Or summon the dragon to summon time clones from the past of the z fighters. Also a time clone is a duplicate of an individual created by warping the fabric of space and time.
2019-02-03 05:31:52


videl going back and forth must be tiring
2019-02-03 06:03:56


That's heart-breaking
2019-02-03 08:43:19


This Buu must have absorbed magic users through the whole galaxy on different planets to get this magical, he's like a walking genie of the death. The type of genie you don't want to get wish from.
2019-02-03 15:19:48


Did he also teleport her spaceship back to Earth? Maybe not, to discourage her from coming again.

@Mr. Blue
>On the 2nd panel the alien yelled "WAOW" instead of "WOW". Was that a mistake?

I think that was no mistake. The 'waow' is supposed to be a dragged out version of 'wow' of sorts. Like 'woooow'... Guess French native speakers like Salagir write these 'sounds' a little differently. Like when characters say 'ah ah' instead of 'ha ha'.
2019-02-03 15:25:45


Wait I thought he absorbed everyone on earth or destroyed it. Also, how the Videl even get there. It's not like she can go to Bulma for something to travel worlds in
2019-02-03 16:18:45


But the french version says "Whoa"
2019-02-03 18:04:07

Some SSGSS Nick

gee thanks weird alien :( guess i know what my wish to buu is gonna be now.
2019-02-03 21:45:25



Dragonball Z Legacies I believe.

After Zen Buu absorbed everyone and took over the universe, Videl fought and defeated him- losing an eye in the process. When she asked him to free Gohan, he told her he couldn't, and she ended up annihilating him and the entire universe in a rage, before going off to destroy thousands more universes in grief.
2019-02-04 10:18:55



regarding A and D

two words, multiverse theory
2019-02-04 11:29:36


You're being unfair Videl Buu is still being very nice, also how did you...right Bulma's dad wasn't absorbed.
2019-02-07 10:01:58


Mr. Satan must mean a lot to Buu still. That’s the only reason I can see Videl being spared repeatedly.
2019-02-11 15:47:45


Wow, quite a few people here don't know what Mary Sue actually means.
2019-02-15 19:16:06


Ya know she could simply ask the dragon for the knowledge to seal buu. His power would be drained then ask the dragon to grab gohan and friends from his mind.
Poomipat April 7th 2024
Video looks good in that outfit
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