![Universe 3 - The one and only Legendary Super Saiyan - Chapter 65, Page 1513 [DBM PAGE IMAGE]](/image.php?idp=1001513&lg=en&ext=png&pw=0b10a878b9e6e4620066e9d069f8a2c2)
Saiyan... You’re under arrest.
Oh, I surrender. Air and a ship are very welcomed now.
This a Katchin aliage, don’t think you can break this.
That was extremely dangerous! A powerful blow on this planet could eliminate the entire universe!
The mad King is dead. And we have a powerful Saiyan as hostage. Maybe peace is possible. Waals, you didn’t die in vain.
A few weeks later, Vegeta destroyed the Helioit’s planet and went back as the new King of Saiyans.