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The inexorable distortion
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February 11th

New comic on DBMultiverse!

[img][img]What happens to Trunks in Dragon Ball Super, after the Black Gokû saga?

★ The inexorable distortion ★

By Chibi Dam'Z and Mirai channel95, 3 new pages per week!

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2015-03-31 22:07:02



I also think Toriyama didn't think that very much through, but Dabura couldn't have been Super Perfect Cell's level at least because Gohan was able to kick him away as a SSJ1 and block his hits. Super perfect Cell would beat rusty SSj1 Gohan up just by looking at him. Stronger SSJ1 teen Gohan didn't stand a chance against "50%" Cell even when he was more powerful than that Cell, so that shows us how strong Dabura is, not any words.

>That's true but the way Vegeta talked about the power-up it sounded like it only added to his power and not the reason he was able to transform. I think it also depends if you believe Vegeta kept the power-up after he dead. He was able to transform into SSJ2 at will against Kid Buu. If Majin Vegeta was his first time accessing SSJ2 then he probably would've been too weak to transform again on his own. I think after he died the spell went away so he went back to his previous weaker SSJ2.

Yeah you are right about that, it did sound like that. I too believe the magic disappeared when he died, but because he had transformed while being Majin he now knew how to do it, and that's why he was able to transform against Kid Buu. That's how I always thought it.

@super gojita 3

You are right, SSJ1 teen Gohan could not have beaten Perfect Cell either. He couldn't even beat the "50%" Cell Goku fought, even though he was stronger than him, because his lack of fighting experience. 100% Cell would have most likely destroyed all the Z-fighters together like Broly did in his first movie, if it wasn't for SSJ2 Gohan. Yet, even weaker Gohan was able to land hits on Dabura and block hits from him. There is nothing that says Dabura was holding back either. He didn't look much harmed after the fight, yes, but neither did Gohan, as was proven when Dabura wasn't able to inflict much damage to him. If he wanted to draw Gohan's full power out, he would have put a lot of pressure on Gohan like Cell did. Dabura laughs because he wasn't losing the battle either. He did have the upper hand in the fight but he still wasn't able to win or steal much of Gohan's energy. And btw he was also breathing hard when Gohan broke his sword. Goku said Dabura was probably at Cell's level, and he definitely was somewhere in the Perfect Cell's power range, but the battle tells us more than some words and raw estimations.
2015-03-31 22:09:46


>Bardock died in Age 737, Nappa died in Age 762, that's a whopping 25 years for Nappa to get to his 4000 power level. Considering Saiyans grow stronger even without the Zenkai boost, that could very well mean that during Age 737 Bardock could have whooped Nappa's ass.

Probably not. Toriyama himself said that Bardock was a low-class saiyan. We already saw in the original manga the average PL of a low-class saiyan. Goku was at 400 in the beginning of DBZ and Raditz (at 1200) thought that Goku could still be a useful ally. Don't forget that Raditz called himself a "1st class warrior" whatever it means, for all we know maybe Raditz was in the upper ranks of the low-class saiyans.
I can't imagine Bardock's PL being anything above 1500 by the time of his death.
And if you consider what was shown in the anime Nappa was almost like a foster-father to kid Vegeta. This is one thing that really made no sense in Bardock The Father of Goku. Why would Nappa be given such an important job if he wasn't even the strongest warrior (other than King Vegeta and Prince Vegeta)? Bardock's PL of 10,000 in the movie was nonsense just like his SSJ transformation in the Episode of Bardock is nonsense.
I hate DB Minus but I agree with Toriyama about this, Bardock was a low-class warrior.

>And regardless of what Toriyama said, we can assume quite easily that Bardock's power is greater then that of a Low-Class Saiyan, considering how went against a shitload of Frieza's men without barely slowing down, and we know Frieza's henchmen were at least between 2000 and 6000 (varying per individual) considering the Namek Saga.

Freeza's soldiers were nowhere near that powerful, remember what happened on Planet Namek. Gohan and Krillin (each at 1500 as stated by Zarbon) were able to one-hit-KO two of Freeza's soldiers. The Namekians, not even warrior Namekians, just normal Namekians (each at 3000) wiped out a platoon of Freeza's goons. Freeza's soldiers were at most Raditz/Saibaman level. And now in the Revival of Freeza movie some of Freeza's soldiers are so weak that even Master Roshi (PL 139) is able to defeat them.
2015-03-31 22:15:20


I could've bought Xenoverse yesterday, but I decided to wait until school finishes because it'd be funner that way
2015-03-31 22:33:44

Doctor Killjoy

just see it as toriyama ignorning power levels and just wanting to show more characters being usefull.
well minus gohan of course, he's the new yamcha in the movie.
2015-03-31 23:19:15

Super Gojita 3


Well, as I look at it, I see the anime and the manga of dragon ball and dragon ball z as 2 seprate entities. The anime has vegeta state that dabura was toying with gohan all along and I'd like to think that was the case.

And there is no reason for dabura to do that either. But dabura might have pulled the usual "strong villain toys with heroes" trope. Just because you wouldn't do something like that, doesn't mean dabura wouldn't.


Here, gohan is seen huffing and puffing. Dabura stands there, or rather floats there not seeming the least bit fatigued.

Let's call it even and say manga dabura is near the level of perfect cell but not quite, and anime dabura is stronger than perfect cell and toying with gohan because toei logic.

@grydon below


Dabura is not seen huffing and puffing here. He just looks kind of annoyed that his sword broke. Again, toying with a foe does not equate to success.

If I were dabura and I were as strong as ssj6 gojito, and I toyed with gohan, that doesn't discredit my strength so much as it makes me look like a fool.
2015-04-01 00:10:50



Nah bro. In the special bardock is said to be almost as strong as King Vegeta. The whole premise of dragonball is defying the odds and exceeding the expectations of what society sets for you. Goku and Bardock are both perceived as low class warriors simply because of their power levels at birth and most likely their lineage. We already know Goku has exceeded that glass ceiling and the same was apparently happening for Bardock before his death. That's the whole premise of the special and the main catalyst for the destruction of the saiyan race. I don't know what "canon" might say about their exact power levels but it is made very clear in the special that bardock was "almost as strong as the king himself", and I heard somewhere that the king was at around 10k at his death. As much as I hate it, raditz was weak, but one could make the argument that it was because he sat comfortably inside of the box that vegeta and nappa set for him. Unfortunately, we'll never know that for sure because the only dude related to goku besides his offspring was killed off and never brought back or spoken of again, but hey who cares right ?

Again, conjecture vs verbatim. Why would goku make that statement if it wasn't true. The strength of Dabura is only relevant to measure Gohan's incompetence and lack of training and later on exemplify Buu's superiority over the Z Fighters last threat. It doesn't matter who was tired, it only matters that Gohan, if he had kept up his training, should have more than stomped Dabura because he's roughly the same level of their last threat who all of them ,especially Gohan, should have more than surpassed by now. Toriyama wasn't thinking "I'm gonna make this kinda even to show that a weakened Gohan is on the same level as Dabura meaning Dabura is not as strong as a full powercell and blah blah blah". Toriyama used that fight to show how Gohan fell off as a fighter. Dabura was not and will never be as relevant as cell so the depth of his strength shouldn't be explored past what is said about him.

And if you wanna really go tit for tat with how the two fights went. Gohan never really struggled against cell at any point. When he was a regular SSJ he was reluctant to fight and only stayed on the defensive and of course as a SSJ 2 he dominated until Cell came back and Gohan lost the use if his arm. Gohan simply being equal or having a hard time with a cell level opponent after years of slacking is not far fetched for either participant. Gohan was leagues above Cell when he fought him even in his most powerful form and to say Dabura is around that level makes perfect sense, especially with Gohan struggling against him seeing as he's not necessarily in that league anymore.
2015-03-31 23:06:16


@Super Gojita 3

Yes it does feel like anime and manga are two different entities especially in the Buu arc. :D

If Dabura was doing the usual "strong villain toys with heroes" trope, he would have inflicted much more damage to Gohan and would have actually succeeded in stealing his energy, but he did not. And in that exact page you can see one drop of sweat falling from both fighters, and "huffs" everywhere indicating they were both huffing and puffing. That happened in anime too if I remember correctly.

But yeah that sounds good to me! :p
2015-04-01 02:01:24


@ 0NightHawk0:
>People are saying that it's something like, Full Control SSJG and that Goku's first appearance as an SSJG wasn't fully under control...I dunno, people seem to be making things up as they go on lol. Frankly, it would have been great if Vegeta was the blue SSJG and Goku stayed as the red/pink SSJG, rather then having them both be blue.
I swear to god, it's like a bad fanfic concept. "OMG! Let's make everyone different colors!2!1!" Blue hair? It looks so...so distinctly un-Saiyan...

@ EvilXoda:
>I'll be happy if Freeza redeems himself. Since he's a villain, you can't expect too much, but him and his father being fodderized to show off SSJ Trunks? Insulting.
Agreed, but I doubt he'll come out of this movie with his reputation unscathed, in no small part because of that ridiculous golden form...

@ Doctor Killjoy:
>no worries the feet aren't all like that. There is also the 3 toes version. as for the big shoulder spikes looking like wings. It's from the ultimate F armor
Oh thank god. That armor looks impractically spiky, but it is kinda cool...

@ Beerus The Wondercat:
>I can't quite help but think you're having a personal dig at me, oh well...
..shrugs.. You can take it however you want.
>For not a fan of "myths" and "legends", Frieza was sure to pick a mythic title for himself.
Who says he's not a fan? I got the opposite vibe from him in canon.
>Meh, difference in opinions. I find it utterly impossible to redeem characters like Frieza, or Cell, who have no redeeming qualities. For all I know, yes, it could be beautifully written, but I just can't get behind the concept.
You know that old saying about books & covers & stuff, kitty?

@ IAmLordFreeza:
>All this XenoVerse talk is making me jealous as all hell
Tell me about it...

@ Kim Jong Un:
>Chaptor when?!! Chaptor nao or I NUKE!
Shut up, you abominable spawn of a Troll Doll & a Kewpie Doll. I'll post the chapter whenever I darn well want to, because CAPITALISM. ୧༼ಠ益ಠ╬༽୨

The latest chapter of Savior of Demons is live:

On FF.net: http://tinyurl.com/o2whfws
On DeviantArt: http://fav.me/d8nvzt2

2015-04-01 02:41:08


Vegeta after watching RoF:
2015-04-01 03:21:29


@ the RoF discussion

Honestly, I can't take either of the two recent movies seriously. Battle of the Gods just because SSG has such stupidly specific conditions (if its only condition was that several Saiyans gave their power to one central Saiyan as they tried to transform, I could buy it), and RoF because... um, well, everything really.
The idea that anyone other than Freeza could be anywhere near remotely a threat to any of the Z warriors is absurd and goes against the actual plot in which they were all still strong as hell by the time of the Buu Saga, despite seven years of peace. And even if they could possibly be that weakened, 18 alone would still be able to slaughter all of them (including Freeza) in one blast - adult Future Trunks as a Super Saiyan was just slightly outmatched compared to one android, and he stomped Freeza into the ground.
2015-04-01 04:00:23

My Nick

@Beerus The Wondercat
>Meh, difference in opinions. I find it utterly impossible to redeem characters like Frieza, or Cell, who have no redeeming qualities.
>For all I know, yes, it could be beautifully written, but I just can't get behind the concept.

I could see Cell. He was mostly just following his programming in Imperfect and Semi-Perfect, and in Perfect just like any saiyan he was proud of his power and wanted to test it.

Certainly he couldn't be any worse than Vegeta, who not only killed entire planets for fun, but lacked the sense of brotherhood is fellow saiyans did, especially when they were a dying breed?

Frieza I'm with you on... He was just purely cruel. If he ever changed sides it wouldn't make any sense.
2015-04-01 05:28:56

Emperor Taku

@ Geno
You glorious sum bitch, you fully got the meaning of what I was saying the entire time.

@ Nyzer
Bingo Faceless person.
2015-04-01 06:11:08


@My Nick
>I could see Cell. He was mostly just following his programming in Imperfect and Semi-Perfect, and in Perfect just like any saiyan he was proud of his power and wanted to test it.

I could also see Cell, but the trigger would be like "self-preservation", he cares about himself too much to hesitate joining the Z-warriors if he was threatened by a far bigger power (Buu could work, in that instance.) his Perfect Form isn't only proud of his power, he's so confident that he's the ultimate lifeform that he's narcissistic. And just like Vegeta flipping sides he'd get used to it bit by bit. Except maybe he'd think himself above working with inferior beings and go full loner or maybe turn into a threat again. Eh, Cell's the textbook definition of "myself above others at all times". Apart from the unpredictability that comes from that, he'd be basically Vegeta-2 I guess. Without a proper rival though and more like "whoever's stronger than me must be topped ASAP"

Cell is an interesting character tbh, thinking about it his personality in Perfect form isn't as fleshed out as other villains.

@Roketto @Beerus
>>I can't quite help but think you're having a personal dig at me, oh well...
>..shrugs.. You can take it however you want.

Shipping it more by the day
2015-04-01 06:56:25



King Vegeta and his PL were never even mentioned in the original Japanese script of Bardock The Father of Goku. Disregard anything you saw in the English dub of that movie, almost all of it is wrong.


"...Another scene, another plot change. Only this one is an extremely important one--this is the scene where we discover why Freeza decided to destroy Planet Vegeta and conduct genocide against almost all of the Saiya-jins. I'd expect Funimation not to toss out the real script on this on and make-up "cooler stuff". However, the dub talks about Bardock and some low-level soldiers going ape on a full-moon and about how tough it is to beat Saiyans in small groups when they fight under the full-moon. It also talks about how the Saiyans are "quickly becoming" their "best fighters" (even better than their "elites"--Freeza's men are never identified as "elites" and besides that the Ginyu Force are supposed to be his elites--the word "elites" isn't even in the original script) and has Zarbon warn of the danger of Bardock and Prince Vegeta teaming up. The real version talks about how some unnamed low-level SJ's took over Kanassa. Freeza and Zarbon talk about how strong Prince Vegeta is and how effective the Saiya-jins are in small groups. Freeza agrees with Zarbon that the Saiya-jins could eventually become a problem. Prince Vegeta then marches in and announces that he's going to pay his respects to Freeza before clearing his assigned planet. The dub has Prince Vegeta fuss and say "this is lame, I need an assignment" and then has Freeza decide to have Zarbon give him "the toughest assignment..."

"...It should also be noted that Dodoria and none of the villains in the original version of this movie refer to any of the Saiya-jins by name, except for Prince Vegeta..."

"...And it goes on. In the original Bardock talks about changing the future of his home planet, his son and his own future before attacking Freeza. But in the dub..."

"...For that last paragraph the real line was...
Kakarroto, carry out my will! You will avenge the Saiya-jins, and our planet Vegeta!..."

"...Now do you see what the problem is with all of Funi's added dialogue for Bardock? It gives off the false impression that Bardock "changed" and became a good guy during the last few minutes of his life. The real Bardock had no sympathy for anyone he murdered and he lived as a villain and died as one. He never made it to Heaven but was instead undoubtedly sent to Hell by King Yema. Why oh why, Funimation, must you insist on changing the script all the time? Doing this didn't even "Americanize" it or make it remotely "cooler." All it did was ruin the story and give out lies to anyone who watched only the dubbed version of this..."

"...Ah, but they're not done yet. Only only last really important change they made--the guy calling Prince Vegeta was originally Nappa. In the dub it's a random soldier of Freeza who also sends out "sympathies" from Freeza..."

>Honestly, I can't take either of the two recent movies seriously.

Not to mention that BoG and RoF completely screw up the ending of DBZ. I would love to see Toriyama explain why would Goku be excited about meeting and fighting Uub (who is at most Kid Buu level) when Goku knew about Whis, Beerus, and apparently SSJ God? Vegeta years before the end of DBZ. Uub is a weakling after BoG and RoF.
2015-04-01 07:45:04


I heard and saw that in Rof Goku is going to get another transformation.
2015-04-01 07:50:31

Doctor Killjoy

Uub was a bit of a let down of a character.
maybe that's why toriyama is ignoring him.
Plus he forgot about bra even existing

no apparently it isn't a new transformation but full power version of the God form. Giving him & vegeta blue hair
2015-04-01 07:52:18



Damn bro, with so many inconsistencies and different translations I'm starting to think discussing DBZ is a loss cause. The manga is different from the anime, the anime is different in English, the movies don't add up ever at all (except for the new ones and even those are questionable.) Dragon ball really cannot be read into, no matter how much you want to, it's just not that well connected and intricately woven. Something's work perfectly while others contradict or simply don't add up. What a struggle lmao
2015-04-01 11:07:47



Damn, first they made red hair on saiyan a fact and now blue, what's next? A white hair and tan skin??


O_o that site still exist? Wow

Anyway i had a "heart attack" when i learned that Bardock went to hell, but still his last words sound like this

"Kakarotto! Carry out my dieying wish! The Saiyans, planet Vegeta, you will be the one to avenge them!!!"

Still Goku was Kakarotto during that time, so Bardock saying that he "didn't have him in his arms" in the american version whould make Kakarotto (a mass murderer) think "Oh Pop! You emberesed me" on Earth

Anyway American version of TV Special 1 is still cooler than the TV Special 2, i could watch the first special with japanese music, but the second special's line "Piccolo was the first to try, and the first to die" makes me wanna vommit

Still Bardock might of went to HELL, but i don't think he whould be like "Hahahaha i'm back, time to kill the humans!" when he whould return to Earth alive like in that RPG Maker 2003 game


And us (aka Freeza haters), ARDBZ Vegeta already suffers from damage after watching DB (D)evolution so who knows what he thinks of this shitty movie


1.He's not strong enough
2.Goku was already wished back by the Dragon Balls back to life once, the new Shenlong CAN'T restore people back to life more than once, so Goku whould die and never come back


ugh this sucks, i hope that in a universe when Gohan chan killed AHs, he didn't wear glasses
2015-04-01 12:35:33


@Super Gojita 3

Everytime someone has toyed with the other in Dragon Ball, he has had a great lead in power, dodging and blocking all of the other one's moves (sometimes with a wide smile) and doing a lot of damage with each attack. None of that happened in Dabura vs Gohan, it was an even mach with one having a slight advantage, neither of them doing much damage to each other. The fights purpose was to steal energy, Dabura failed because he couldn't. If he had more strength hidden he could have held back only so much that his attacks wouldn't have killed Gohan but still beat the energy out of him. There is no reason for him to hold back that much he can't even deal any damage, especially when that was his main goal in this particular fight. He also tried to turn Gohan into a stone and tried to slice Gohan in two with his sword so I think he was trying.

I remembered wrong that anime part, though anime gives much more credit to Gohan than manga does. He gave much more blows than Dabura did. And the Cell-comment in the anime made Cell stronger than Dabura.

>Again, conjecture vs verbatim. Why would goku make that statement if it wasn't true. The strength of Dabura is only relevant to measure Gohan's incompetence and lack of training and later on exemplify Buu's superiority over the Z Fighters last threat. It doesn't matter who was tired, it only matters that Gohan, if he had kept up his training, should have more than stomped Dabura because he's roughly the same level of their last threat who all of them ,especially Gohan, should have more than surpassed by now. Toriyama wasn't thinking "I'm gonna make this kinda even to show that a weakened Gohan is on the same level as Dabura meaning Dabura is not as strong as a full powercell and blah blah blah". Toriyama used that fight to show how Gohan fell off as a fighter. Dabura was not and will never be as relevant as cell so the depth of his strength shouldn't be explored past what is said about him.

Because they have overestimated opponents before, and it was still "probably" and "about" with only little movements revealed from Dabura. I do agree that Toriyama didn't think any specific version of Cell when putting that statement there, but I don't think he thought even "as strong as Cell ever was". I think he meant just Cell in general. Everyone has a scale in their mind about how strong Cell is. It's for the reader to decide after the performance he showed against Gohan. For example, every time I think about Cell, the one Goku fought comes to my mind first, then I remember he could become even stronger and so on, if I start thinking of his power. I also agree on why that statement probably was there (to show how rusty Gohan is and how superior Buu is) but it is enough that Dabura is somewhere at Cell's level to show that. Also, we should not be thinking what Toriyama thought when he put statements in the manga, or we would have a whole different discussion with everything else too.

>And if you wanna really go tit for tat with how the two fights went. Gohan never really struggled against cell at any point. When he was a regular SSJ he was reluctant to fight and only stayed on the defensive and of course as a SSJ 2 he dominated until Cell came back and Gohan lost the use if his arm.

First of all, do you think Gohan was SSJ2 against Dabura and Dabura Super perfect Cell's level or that Gohan was SSJ1 and Dabura Perfect Cell's level? (You can't seriously be saying Gohan was SSj1 and Dabura super perfect Cell's level, can you?) You wanna check the Gohan vs Cell again, he did dodge and block couple of Cell's moves, yes, but he definitely struggled and wasn't able to land hits back. Even if Gohan was reluctant to fight, that wasn't nearly Cell's full power either. If Cell had powered up to 100% he would have probably beat everyone up the same way Broly did in his first movie. That Gohan was much stronger than what the adult Gohan was against Dabura, and also had better fighting sense because of his recent training, and still Gohan put up a better fight against Dabura. I don't really care who overestimates who or had Toriyama already forgotten Cell's suicide attempt, or what he was thinking when he put that statement over there. The fight clearly tells us how strong he is.

>Gohan simply being equal or having a hard time with a cell level opponent after years of slacking is not far fetched for either participant. Gohan was leagues above Cell when he fought him even in his most powerful form and to say Dabura is around that level makes perfect sense, especially with Gohan struggling against him seeing as he's not necessarily in that league anymore.

I agree on this, it is not far fetched, IF Gohan would have been SSJ2 against Dabura, but he was not. SSJ1 teen Gohan wouldn't have been even able to touch neither 100% Cell nor Super perfect Cell, as he couldn't even beat the "50%" Cell because of the lack of skill and motivation, so how could even weaker Gohan put up any kind of fight against either one. That's my point. There is just no way Dabura could have been that strong or he wouldn't have had ANY problem in stealing Gohan's energy, and Gohan wouldn't have been able to even push him. Now, if he was a SSJ2 when he fought Dabura and the fight would have looked the same, then your point of view would make a lot of sense, I would agree completely, but because he was only a SSj1, that changes everything.
2015-04-01 10:27:58


@ Roketto thanks for the new chapter Runs to read it
2015-04-01 10:58:56


Why doesn't Kibito Kai just power up and blast Buu? It's not like they don't have DBs.
2015-04-01 11:16:38


Vive la France
2015-04-01 12:49:02


Why not destroy buu while he's fighting goku. It seems like buu's "sleeping" so Kibito would have time to charge an attack and destroy buu along with goku.
2015-04-01 14:26:06


I am working on a project making a full collection of all DBM pages coloured!
There are about 1000 coloured pages right now, some of them of the same page so it is not complete yet.
73% of all the main story chapters are complete.
28% of all the special chapters are complete.

The collections looks like this right now:


I need some help:
— colourists
— "translators": cut&paste English text, delete foreign text
(many coloured pages are not English)
— people looking for new pages
— people looking for people who might work on this as well :D

So, if you are interested, just write a comment in here.
Thanks ;)
2015-04-01 14:13:06


^ I gotta ask, is that allowed though?
2015-04-01 14:26:46


I've already contacted some of the artist and they were quite happy with me doing that.
Naturally all their signatures are kept in the pages as well as in the filenames.
2015-04-01 15:16:00


No april fool's content?

2015-04-01 15:43:46



I'm glad someone else picked that up too, as I wondered what the significance was back on page 1008 when Buu was about to absorb Vegeta and I figured it to be a one-time off thing that they did with the colored-page, but I'm assuming were both going to be correct on Kibito Kai becoming Buu's next absorption victim. I've been reading Multiverse for a while now and I usually read you guy's comments as it's a interesting experience to always see other avid fans of DBZ talk about their views and theories, especially with myself being a DBZ fan for almost 15years now.
2015-04-01 17:32:32


Great news everyone, because of your support, this comic has been officially picked up for DLC on Dragonball xenoverse. Right now there will be Universe 4 and nine but hope to include them all by the end of Negotiations. Also as Bartek is aware, his character will be made into a mentor in the expansion, so lets have fun and thanks for all your support through the years..
2015-04-01 17:39:41


>You know that old saying about books & covers & stuff, kitty?

We've seen Freeza break down already. Twice, at that. I'm fairly sure we've gotten past just the "cover" by this point.
2015-04-01 18:00:17



Conveniently misspelled Salagir making an obviously unofficial announcement about something preposterous on April fools day? Well played I guess...
2015-04-01 18:19:10


>Or maybe that henchman of Freeza's with the ring just weakens everyone to the point where Freeza's men are a problem for them again. You know, player wipe. Back to start. Do not pass go. In this case all of Freeza's power as a result of his training is in that golden form of his, and the rest is just magical power-reducing trickery? We'll just have to wait and see. All joking aside, it's absolutely not the case that the characters grew a lot weaker over time, nor is it the case that they just got progressively weaker power increases.
Yeah I definitely don't think they grew that much weaker over time but I do think their power increases diminished as they become stronger. All the crazy power-ups the characters had during the Saiyan and Freeza saga were never repeated in any of the later sagas. I think that was consistent for every character including all the Saiyans, humans, and Piccolo.

>Yeah you are right about that, it did sound like that. I too believe the magic disappeared when he died, but because he had transformed while being Majin he now knew how to do it, and that's why he was able to transform against Kid Buu. That's how I always thought it.
I don't know I'm not sure if he'd able to transform on his own after the Majin power-up disappeared if he wasn't able to access that form already. When Goku met Trunks he made a point about learning how to transform at will so it sounded like it took some training to do it. That's why I think Gohan had trouble transforming into a SSJ2 during the Buu saga. Gohan accessed the form on his own during the Cell saga but he never learned to do it without the rage so he still had trouble. If Vegeta didn't have SSJ2 before the Majin power-up then he might have more difficulty than Gohan after it. Not only would he lack the training to transform at will but he would also lack the power to reach it on his own.
2015-04-01 21:45:01


I have decided to give up my love of panny and focus on being a lover of son goku
2015-04-01 18:54:08

Coola Than You

April Fools...?
2015-04-01 20:04:37


>Wow when does this happened?
It's from near the end of SSJ2 Gohan and Super Perfect Cell's beam struggle, when Vegeta distracts Cell and Goku says to Gohan, "Now's your chance!"
2015-04-01 21:15:40


goku will kick his pick ass now
2015-04-01 22:20:21


@ Triangle-
>01001001 00100000 01101000 01100001 01100100 00100000 01100001 00100000 01110000 01101111 01101001 01101110 01110100 00100000 01100010 01110101 01110100 00100000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01100110 01100001 01111010 01100101 01110011 00100000 01101101 01100101 00100000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01101101 01101111 01101101 01100101 01101110 01110100 00101110 00100000 01001110 01101111 01110111 00100000 01101001 01110100 01110011 00100000 01101000 01101111 01110010 01110010 01101001 01100010 01101100 01111001 00100000 01101001 01101110 01110011 01101001 01100111 01101110 01101001 01100110 01101001 01100011 01100001 01101110 01110100 00101110
Thank you. I now have a new name for a new character in my DBZ fan-fic. Faze.

@ Emperor Taku-
>You glorious sum bitch, you fully got the meaning of what I was saying the entire time.

@ Tyrik73-
>I heard and saw that in Rof Goku is going to get another transformation.
Well... Kind of? I mean, not completely, but that's basically right. It depends on how you look at it, really.

@ Bartek-
>Damn, first they made red hair on saiyan a fact and now blue, what's next? A white hair and tan skin??
Persinally, I'm hoping for green next.

@ Anon-
>Why doesn't Kibito Kai just power up and blast Buu? It's not like they don't have DBs.
If they kill Vegeta while he's dead, then the dragon balls won't bring him back. Also, Kabitoshin doesn't have enough power to destroy Buu completely, so that would be wasted. What he should do is teleport himself and Buu to a black hole as someone else in here suggested.

@ Trapicheiro-
>Why not destroy buu while he's fighting goku. It seems like buu's "sleeping" so Kibito would have time to charge an attack and destroy buu along with goku.
Same answer I just gave Anon.

@ Salager-
>Great news everyone, because of your support, this comic has been officially picked up for DLC on Dragonball xenoverse.
I will laugh if anyone falls for that.

@ Skar-
>Yeah I definitely don't think they grew that much weaker over time but I do think their power increases diminished as they become stronger. All the crazy power-ups the characters had during the Saiyan and Freeza saga were never repeated in any of the later sagas. I think that was consistent for every character including all the Saiyans, humans, and Piccolo.
I don't know... Piccolo seems to have had pretty huge power increases over time. The most notable being each time he fused. In fact, fusion in general seems to always give out a huge increase in power.
Hey... What do you suppose would be the result if there was a universe where all of the Z-fighters fused by using the potara over and over again?
2015-04-02 03:38:48

Super Gojita 3


Nah. Dabura was clearly toying with gohan in the anime and vegeta confirms this.
2015-07-19 07:09:37

SSJ Gaming

I want all the pages to look like this (the color)
2016-11-07 02:07:01


Ah, Kibito Kai, causing unrest.
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