DB Multiverse

Member page of   SSJBVegito

SSJBVegito October 13th 2021
God. *DAMN!!* I honestly was not expecting to see U18 Vegeta turn Super Saiyan 3! But honestly, I think that was a good fake-out attack: Vegeta eats a Senzu bean and gives one to Cell, and then BAM! He strikes the Bio-Android as a Super Saiyan 3 without even giving him a chance to eat the bean! Pretty badass move from the Saiyan Prince!
DB Multiverse page 1947
SSJBVegito July 9th 2021
عمار was saying:
....He can't do magic?

As far as we know, that's a no. But who knows? It could be revealed later that Uub learned some magic.
DB Multiverse page 1902
SSJBVegito January 24th 2021
Vegito was saying:
Wait, we still did not get rid of Babidi?...

Oh, I think that's about to get fixed real soon.
DB Multiverse page 1837
SSJBVegito January 23rd 2021
Oh, Dabura does not look happy. Clearly, this isn't going to end well for Babidi...
DB Multiverse page 1837
SSJBVegito January 17th 2021
Superman55aa was saying:

Get Vegito a Happy meal from Mcdonalds.

And take Vegito to a fruit stand to lighten his mood. HE IS A MAJOR DOWNER.

Yes, please, someone get Vegito some food, I'm begging you!!!
DB Multiverse page 1835
SSJBVegito January 16th 2021
Yua was saying:
Why hit nappa?

Because Nappa killed Videl in one of the previous chapters. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1834
SSJBVegito January 16th 2021
Oh boy, Vegito looks pissed in that last panel...
DB Multiverse page 1834
SSJBVegito January 16th 2021
Classy_Skeleton was saying:
WOOOOOOOOO!!! Mini Cell Jr.s have returned!! 10/10 story, no criticism from me.

DB Multiverse page 1834
SSJBVegito December 29th 2020
Thatboi was saying:
Are we supposed to feel sorry for her cuz I definitely don’t

Depends on people's different views on the situation. As for me, I'm trying to see both sides of the situation here rather than taking a side. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1816
SSJBVegito December 29th 2020
CrimsonVowel was saying:
I am not sure I like this

Yeah, this definitely raises the major red flag- actually, no, CRIMSON FLAG! This definitely raises the CRIMSON flag that Vegito has pretty much lost it. About to check out the next two pages (unless it's a troll minicomic), so let's see what happens...

And Gast Carcolh comes in clutch to spare U16 Bra from death on page 1825! Don't know if Gast put a block on Vegito's power, but it looks like it did the job. Also, on page 1826, Gast asked Vegito why he's trying to kill his daughter despite her not being under Babidi's control anymore (thanks to Zen Buu incapacitating Babidi on page 1817), Vegito's pissed because his daughter basically surrendered to Babidi's control, and U16 Bra's blaming herself and wanting Vegito to kill her.
DB Multiverse page 1824
SSJBVegito October 16th 2020
Beat-kun was saying:
Everyone get down, this place is about to become a warzone. Those who dont want to get burned, escape while you can.

Yeah, I think I'm also gonna nope out of this while I still can. Soooo... peace!
DB Multiverse page 1795
SSJBVegito October 16th 2020
Your nickel was saying:
At age 12 she's already stronger than Gohan?


Again, daughter of Vegito.
DB Multiverse page 1794
SSJBVegito October 10th 2020
Your nickel was saying:
Vegito going SSJ2 to punch her seems a bit overkill

Well, U16 Bra is a half-Saiyan... and the daughter of Vegito, who is insanely powerful, even as just a Super Saiyan, so Bra's first time accessing Super Saiyan 2 must have been pretty intense for Vegito to have to use Super Saiyan 2 himself just to knock her out.
DB Multiverse page 1793
SSJBVegito September 27th 2020
TyzThePhoenix was saying:
Nah don’t delete this! “They get fucked up miserably” is probably the best bit of literature ever on all of DBM

Don't worry, I just saved it on the Wayback Machine, so you can look back on it after this summary chapter is deleted. 1 Replie(s)
Fanfic hanasia, chapter 46
SSJBVegito September 24th 2020
Yeah, I'm going to lie and say the Grand Supreme Kai didn't have this coming. He literally could've intervened at any time, yet chose not to... Admit it, he was just asking to get impaled.
DB Multiverse page 1737
SSJBVegito September 24th 2020
Yeah, just like with the
Grand Supreme Kai not helping out in the fight against Majin Bra and later getting impaled in the stomach in page 1737
, I'm sorry I have to say this Goten, but you were honestly asking for it when you refused to hit her. There are just some cases where chivalry in a fight will get you nowhere.
DB Multiverse page 1784
SSJBVegito September 24th 2020
Xeno was saying:
SSJBVegito was saying: Wait, what? Okay, hang on, I'm gonna double-check.
Stop double-checking twitter and just single-check the last 2 minicomics, it's from that.

Okay, I know I'm about 4 months late to reply, but I'm just gonna say this... Yeah, no, you were right. I probably should have paid attention to the fact that the note above minicomic #102 said "This is the (fake) sequel of DBM page 1733". That's my bad.
DB Multiverse page 1735
SSJBVegito September 14th 2020
UltraExtream was saying:
Now is not the time to show Chivalry. There's a difference between self defense and being a Butt. This is the later.

I agree. Come on Goten, this is no time to be like Sanji from One Piece!
DB Multiverse page 1782
SSJBVegito June 21st 2020
SupaHera was saying:
Gonna need a couple senzus for that.

Forget a couple, I think she's gonna need a whole bag!
DB Multiverse page 1744
SSJBVegito May 29th 2020
SsjOmar was saying:
SSJBVegito was saying: Your nickel was saying: Of course it didn't work...
Well, have you seen the Dragon Ball Multiverse Twitter account? Because I've looked on said Twitter account, and I saw art of Majin Buu with Bra absorbed, which gives me a slight sense of hope that the battle against Majin Bra will end soon.

That was a joke post, aka him being a troll

Wait, what? Okay, hang on, I'm gonna double-check.

Edit: Okay, I'm still hesitant to believe it was a joke post, especially since Salagir didn't just come out and say it. Though I am hoping this battle will end soon. Also, WHERE THE HECK IS MARY SUE?!?!?! 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1735
SSJBVegito May 29th 2020
Your nickel was saying:
Of course it didn't work...

Well, have you seen the Dragon Ball Multiverse Twitter account? Because I've looked on said Twitter account, and I saw
art of Majin Buu with Bra absorbed
, which gives me a slight sense of hope that the battle against Majin Bra will end soon. 5 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1735
SSJBVegito May 18th 2020
Monster was saying:
Did Gohan just send Buu to die knowing he would announce his attack and thus be a distraction?

I hope not!
DB Multiverse page 1732
SSJBVegito May 7th 2020
Zuru was saying:
She still needs to die!

You know, I want to say that Bra's not going to die, but... who am I kidding? She's probably going to die.
DB Multiverse page 1727
SSJBVegito May 7th 2020
Kami Christ, Bra! Geez, talk about gruesome and no mercy, my goodness.
DB Multiverse page 1725
SSJBVegito February 12th 2020
Well, rest in peace Gohan... Hopefully this fight will end in chapter 75. And if it does, I hope it'll end in a cathartic, satisfying, non-rushed way.
DB Multiverse page 1696
SSJBVegito February 12th 2020
장수풍뎅이 was saying:
Only 3?
Maybe.. She say "Destroy my barrier"
Who can it, Cell, Gohan, That girl(I don't remember her name)...

You thinking about Mary Sue from Universe 2? 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1696
SSJBVegito February 10th 2020
MariusGon was saying:
I think this is the last page of this chapter. @Authors I'm right?

Actually, I think there's going to be a few more pages before the special chapter on Universe 13 starts on February 14 (aka this Friday).
DB Multiverse page 1695
SSJBVegito February 10th 2020
Pootis_Penser_Here was saying:
You guys really need to cut Gohan some slack

Sharply inhales
DB Multiverse page 1695
SSJBVegito February 9th 2020
Número Treinta was saying:
A shame. I always liked the cut of Gohan's jib.

Oh, that already has not aged well...
DB Multiverse page 1695
SSJBVegito February 7th 2020
LordUzaki was saying:
I gotta say, I'm really liking where this is going. The fact that Bra has no qualms with using any method available to her in order to win combined with her overwhelming strength has pushed all the characters to their limits. Now, when they have gotten further than they ever have in their battle, to see it all undone, you can really feel the hopelessness. To see Gohan of all people, just breakdown like this. It's powerful.
Looking forward to see how this battle ends. I am hoping that in some way, Bra's own arrogance will eventually be her undoing. It would feel kind of cheap if Vegito just teleported in and slapped her away. From what's happening so far, I have faith that Salagir has better plans though.

Yeah, I do want this fight to end in a satisfying and cathartic way without feeling cheap and rushed like, how you said it, Vegito just teleporting in and slapping her away.
DB Multiverse page 1693
SSJBVegito February 7th 2020
Capulous was saying:
I was hoping Gohan would snap and power up after seeing Bra kill Piccolo. Instead he just gives up. Disappointing.

I think he may be starting to lose hope in the possibility of actually beating Majin Bra, especially since she keeps using Senzu beans to return to full health.
DB Multiverse page 1693
SSJBVegito February 7th 2020
ShMike was saying:
Just end it please. It's not even a love to hate situation. She's just so annoying. She's overstayed her welcome worse than Zamasu in Super. But at least he was legit immortal!

Sorry to state the obvious, but I don't think it's true that no one likes Bra (Universe 16) anymore. It's just that people want the fight against Majin Bra to end soon because any time she takes some form of damage or gets exhausted, she downs some Senzu beans, which many see as a repetitive way to take any progress that the ones fighting her have made and take it back to square one. This is something I understand, and I can see why this is annoying many people. However, at the same time, you have to remember that U16 Bra is the daughter of Vegito. And Vegito's personality is a combination of Vegeta and Goku's characteristics (no surprise there), including Goku's combat ingenuity and creativity, and Vegeta's strategic and analytical mind. I can see that U16 Bra is being strategical in how she's going about this fight. Does it sound like I'm just saying this as a way to defend U16 Bra? Admittedly, yes. However, this is my opinion; you don't have to agree with it, but I do wish for you to respect it. Anyway, I believe Bra, having become a powerful fighter over the years with a strategical and analytical mind, searched the body of U16 Piccolo for Senzu beans, most likely catching him with that bag of Senzu beans, which he used on page 1601 to give himself and U18 Piccolo some Senzu. I'm obviously not saying that Majin Bra should repeat this strategy since it'll just drag out this fight even longer, but this is just my analysis. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1693
SSJBVegito February 7th 2020
Ouroboros was saying:
Mister Doctor was saying: Bra doesn't seem that powerful if she has to keep using Senzu Beans and teleporting.

That is the biggest thing i dislike about Uber Bra.
She is supposed to be an arrogant little (young woman) that clearly be littles everyone as weak, but took the uncharacter behaviour to learn attacks that are designed to take out stronger opponents, why? a waste of time when you are powerfull and the little girl of the one stronger then you.

Honestly she hasn't acted any diffrent since she got that little M on her forehead, U16 has there blinders removed that't all.

— -
Come on Yamcha we need you!


Honestly it will be sooo good when Uber Bra would be beaten by a Yamcha.

@Dr Raichi
Dude, just leave for a few months, return in May.

Vegeta falling to earth, Freeza surviving the sprit bomb, cell returing full power after blowing up and buu absorbing Gohan

all of these fights contued a fight that should have ended there and know, and i am probbaly not the only one that wished he stopted watching, my breaking point was the Buu one

This is yours, calm down and return for Goku vs Uub.

PS not an Uber Bra fan either, and it is sad that the heroes deax machinima the senzu beans "plot" used against them has overstayed it's welcome.

Yeah, I see what you're saying with the moments where fights in Dragon Ball Z should have ended. But yeah, I do agree that it is getting a little repetitive for Majin Bra to use Senzu beans to bring herself back to full health. I'm just hoping that the fight will end soon, and in a cathartic and not-rushed way. Also hoping that we'll get more pages of the group that was sent to that other planet by Babidi, because we haven't seen them since chapter 68 (Budokai Royale 4: Heroes' Fury). I'm gonna send an email to Salagir about this fight. He probably knows about the comments already, but I think I'll need to be honest with him and tell him what the majority of people think about this page. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1693
SSJBVegito February 3rd 2020
Xizor was saying:
Oh right, I forgot that U16 Piccolo shared senzus with the other one.

It's good to have a smart villain for once. But someone will probably stop her from eating that, if she heals now that'll be too much for the good guys.

MajinPower was saying: The two Gohans totally healed will fuse with the potara and after the break go against Bra in the final chapter

They can't use Potara. In DBM only Kaioshins can use them, the ones used to create Vegetto were modified by Old Kaioshin to work for Goku (at least that's what U16 novel said). Also there would be no fight, he would just efortlessly one shot her. Fused Gohan will probably never happen, he would be just too strong for the plot.

Well, I was almost to bring up the fact that mortals can use Potara, but it only lasts for an hour. But then I remembered that Multiverse doesn't take Super or GT into account, so I guess that would've been pointless for me to say. So I'll take your word for it since I didn't read the U16 fanfiction. I'd say the best chance is that the Grand Supreme Kai should make a move and use the Kai Kai technique to get to Babidi and kill him. It sounds anticlimactic, but that's the only outcome that I can predict. Either that or someone might blindside Majin Bra and shoot her in the heart.
DB Multiverse page 1692
SSJBVegito January 28th 2020

Yeah, and quite literally!
DB Multiverse page 1689
SSJBVegito January 25th 2020
newhinhin was saying:
There is no way that Kamehameha will hit her unless Gohan gets some help.....

Well, if you've seen episode 4 of Dragon Ball Z, I think you'll be able to tell that Gohan's using the Bending Kamehameha, and while Bra can just use Instant Transmission to dodge it, someone might come in to sneak attack or distract her so she can hit by the Kamehameha.
DB Multiverse page 1688
SSJBVegito January 23rd 2020
PMC was saying:
Stouty22 was saying: Hmmm... Gohan knows full well she can teleport. What's his plan?
Right?? Why power up like that & waste stamina?

Well, we're just gonna have to wait and see if there's a plan or not.
DB Multiverse page 1687
SSJBVegito January 18th 2020
Females was saying:
Did...did she kick him in half?

Yep... Yeeep... If she can do that with Cell, then... Oh no.
DB Multiverse page 1685
SSJBVegito December 9th 2019
Kakata was saying:
Poor Gohan can't even write a letter properly, he will get attacked out of nowhere, Goku is probably still trying to kill him and only trains with him to get stronger to kill him later.

I wonder how does Gohan manages to sleep, he's probably getting attacked even while sleeping.

If you're referring to the actual text of the letter, I don't think that's bad writing. Pretty sure that's a style of cursive writing, explaining why it's slightly hard to read what Grandpa Gohan wrote in his letter to Master Roshi. But, if you're referring to the actual scene of Grandpa Gohan writing the letter, yeah unless you have some really good software for editing and putting text for a letter being written on paper in a digital drawing, you just have to resort to making scribbly lines.
DB Multiverse page 1668
SSJBVegito November 20th 2019
Well, oh my Kami, I think Cold's dead!
DB Multiverse page 1662
SSJBVegito September 26th 2019
> @Madarjeen: Why does Vegetto stick with SSJ3 even though he can turn SSJ Blue in the anime?

Well, Dragon Ball Multiverse follows only the lores of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z, while also following its own and completely ignoring GT and Super, so no Super Saiyan 4, Super Saiyan God, or Super Saiyan Blue. Plus, the comic started in 2008, so if Salagir suddenly decided to add in elements from GT and Super now, I feel that would just feel so sudden, it would definitely leave a bunch of people asking, "Why haven't we seen them do this until now?" Adding in elements from GT and Super at the very beginning would probably only make more sense if Multiverse started in 2015.
Minicomic page 93
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