DB Multiverse

Member page of   Son Bra

Son Bra February 9th 2024
Gods, it's like when Uchiyama or Ebisawa takes over in the middle of an episode.
DB Multiverse page 1927
Son Bra December 24th 2023
I love how Vegetto is annoyed and Bra is surprised.

Vegetto, my dude, THAT'S YOU IN THE ARENA
DB Multiverse page 2257
Son Bra January 9th 2022
I love how they didn't even hide the Grand Kaioushin and Buu's true alliance but no one actually noticed. To hide a tree, use a forest indeed.
DB Multiverse page 1889
Son Bra January 8th 2022
You can't end a page with "Arrest the Grand Kaioushin" and not have piqued my interest. Looking forward to what this brings, I haven't been this interested since the section with Ginyuu and Cold.
DB Multiverse page 1985
Son Bra August 9th 2021
brolyfanboyxx999 was saying:
Son Bra was saying: brolyfanboyxx999 was saying: Son Bra was saying: Grydon was saying: Son Bra was saying: You guys do know that Asura's art is the only saving grace this fan comic has, right?
Umm, no, we do not know, as that is very far from the truth. Asura’s art is a beautiful cherry on top of an amazing story.

Son Bra was saying: Asura is quite possibly the best Dragon Ball artist out there, and the biggest detractor from your stupid special chapter is the fact that you gather - quite often inferior - artists that aren't Asura to do them. So if you have artists other than Asura do the art for the main chapters, that is a MAJOR quality drop.
First of, what is stupid about background chapters where you learn the past of these other universes? Second, of course they are not drawn by Asura, the whole point of the special chapters is to give Asura time to draw the main chapters. Drawing with that quality takes time by the way, as you clearly haven’t figured that one out.

Son Bra was saying: And art was the only thing DBM had going for it. Reconsider.
Not true, and you know it as you are still here. Great art alone wouldn’t keep anyone with a brain here. You keep coming back for the great story and having a tantrum because something is not going your way.

That's incorrect on a dozen and a half levels, but let's see where to start? There's no "amazing story to be had here. This is just a slugfest, and it pulls from arguably the some of the worst parts of the Dragon Ball franchise - the films and games - to do it. While it does branch off into its own thing, none of those are riveting or fascinating enough to keep the attention of anyone whose preferred past time is reading an actual novel. I stopped actively reading Dragon Ball Multiverse ages ago; I only know what's going on - and thus take the time to rag on this embarrassment - due to a friend of mine on Discord who keeps sharing every painful second of this. If he's going to make me suffer, I'm going to manifest here and complain about it.

The most offensive thing about those special chapters is their artwork. The specials that don't look atrocious are far and few between - with beta and charlotte being among the best - but the rest of them? Actually offensive to look at, especially when Asura does the main chapters and looks AMAZING with everything they do. Also, being friends with an artist, and involved with another, I am fully aware that quality art takes time. Which means Salagir should either find some quality artists or not do specials if he's happy with the bottom of the barrel making them.

And you are correct: great art is not what is keeping most of the audience here, but that means most of DBM's audience doesn't have a brain. I've learned from Dragon Ball Heroes that it doesn't take much for a Dragon Ball fan to think something is amazing. Give them the bare minimum, throw in Koora, OG!Broly, and maybe Janenba for good measure, and they're all going to cream themselves.

Why are you complaining so much? Maybe your friend is just bad at describing things. You literally said you haven't been reading, and you bashed every single persons artstyle and said they're all inferior to Asura, which is untrue.

Maybe instead of complaining without reading, you could go back and invest yourself in the story, and if you don't want to do that, why are you talking like your opinion is the right one?

The funny thing about opinions is they are naturally variable. Do I think it's the right one? Absolutely. Is it? Not necessarily. Will I continue to speak with confidence? Abso-fucking-lutely. Sorry, sweetie, if you want this to be an echo chamber where everyone worships a terrible writer, but that's not the way it's going to be.

Saligir is a good writer, he writes his characters realistically and they are all grounded. All of the original characters that haven't really developed are pretty much the same, and the way he writes them so seamlessly into the story is always good.

You really haven't given any reasons why the art in the specials are bad... some of them of course aren't the highest quality but I feel like you just don't like different takes on the dragon ball artstyle some of them have.

Overmind5000 was saying:
He literally just said he's posting here because I keep forwarding these panels to him. Also, hi.

Yeah, I don't know if he's actually bothered to read everything. Seeing panels from different chapters and not the entire chapter one after another isn't really the best way to read a comic.

iron leaf was saying: No provocations!

Animosity within a comment section can quickly escalate into insults and worse. So please stop with the provocative remarks in your comments. Such things are not welcome here.

DrewSaga was saying: Idk, Gast and XXI have some pretty sick cheat codes. I noticed the Planet Icaron is more entrenched in DBM lore and Gast and Zen Buu learned a lot from there. It's possible that U18 Vegeta went there to figure out a way to surpass SSJ2 level, SSJ3 level (maybe even surpass Mystic level though not likely) along with regular physical training (that would make him a very busy man). Or he learned abilities that are designed to negate his opponent's ability to regenerate. After fighting and surviving through Cell and Buu I would most certainly want to learn how to overcome a character's ability to regenerate. A combination of those two can easily swing this fight from being in Cell's favor to Vegeta's.I meant, of course, that in terms of the major antagonists from DBZ, we have an increase in passive abilities merely for the sake of the escalation principle.
Freeza was resilient -> Cell was more resilient + regeneration -> Buu was even more resilient + regeneration + magic.

That's really an interesting thought. Figuring out a way to nullify an opponent's regeneration abilities. I would actually like to see that for Vegeta. I doubt if he traveled to Icarion, though. The time of peace in U18 has made our crew a bit lazy about adventuring, unfortunately. They know nothing about the Heloites in their universe. The Kaioshin apparently didn't appoint them space police like their Z-Fighter counterparts from U16. Not to mention Novel details like the Immortal from Pandora. And we still don't know how DBM's version of Tapion & Hirudegarn played out in U18. The clues suggest that Goku & Vegeta were apparently merely chilling on Earth since EoZ.

Beyond that. If Vegeta was actually on Icarion to learn new skills, DBM would merely be accused of stealing that idea from the DBS manga, ehm, I mean, these days it's called "getting inspired" when Vegeta learned new stuff on Yadrat.

In the novel, Vegeta has an attack that negates regular ki attacks expanding off his original blutz-wave ball thingy.
Although I'm not sure whether or not to take the novel seriously because the expansions on the fights (Uub vs Buu specifically for this point) don't usually impact the way things go in the regular story, like how Uub managed to heal himself with magic.

I'm glad he impresses you, if nothing else.

As for the art, that is WHY I despise it. My take on fanart in general - not simply here - is that the original style should strive to be preserved. That's what makes Asura - and Gogeta Jr. to a far lesser extent - so great. Asura takes the Dragon Ball style and improves upon it massively. A lot of those other artists...run it into the ground.
DB Multiverse page 1920
Son Bra August 7th 2021
Overmind5000 was saying:
brolyfanboyxx999 was saying: Son Bra was saying: Grydon was saying: Son Bra was saying: You guys do know that Asura's art is the only saving grace this fan comic has, right?
Umm, no, we do not know, as that is very far from the truth. Asura’s art is a beautiful cherry on top of an amazing story.

Son Bra was saying: Asura is quite possibly the best Dragon Ball artist out there, and the biggest detractor from your stupid special chapter is the fact that you gather - quite often inferior - artists that aren't Asura to do them. So if you have artists other than Asura do the art for the main chapters, that is a MAJOR quality drop.
First of, what is stupid about background chapters where you learn the past of these other universes? Second, of course they are not drawn by Asura, the whole point of the special chapters is to give Asura time to draw the main chapters. Drawing with that quality takes time by the way, as you clearly haven’t figured that one out.

Son Bra was saying: And art was the only thing DBM had going for it. Reconsider.
Not true, and you know it as you are still here. Great art alone wouldn’t keep anyone with a brain here. You keep coming back for the great story and having a tantrum because something is not going your way.

That's incorrect on a dozen and a half levels, but let's see where to start? There's no "amazing story to be had here. This is just a slugfest, and it pulls from arguably the some of the worst parts of the Dragon Ball franchise - the films and games - to do it. While it does branch off into its own thing, none of those are riveting or fascinating enough to keep the attention of anyone whose preferred past time is reading an actual novel. I stopped actively reading Dragon Ball Multiverse ages ago; I only know what's going on - and thus take the time to rag on this embarrassment - due to a friend of mine on Discord who keeps sharing every painful second of this. If he's going to make me suffer, I'm going to manifest here and complain about it.

The most offensive thing about those special chapters is their artwork. The specials that don't look atrocious are far and few between - with beta and charlotte being among the best - but the rest of them? Actually offensive to look at, especially when Asura does the main chapters and looks AMAZING with everything they do. Also, being friends with an artist, and involved with another, I am fully aware that quality art takes time. Which means Salagir should either find some quality artists or not do specials if he's happy with the bottom of the barrel making them.

And you are correct: great art is not what is keeping most of the audience here, but that means most of DBM's audience doesn't have a brain. I've learned from Dragon Ball Heroes that it doesn't take much for a Dragon Ball fan to think something is amazing. Give them the bare minimum, throw in Koora, OG!Broly, and maybe Janenba for good measure, and they're all going to cream themselves.

Why are you complaining so much? Maybe your friend is just bad at describing things. You literally said you haven't been reading, and you bashed every single persons artstyle and said they're all inferior to Asura, which is untrue.

Maybe instead of complaining without reading, you could go back and invest yourself in the story, and if you don't want to do that, why are you talking like your opinion is the right one?
He literally just said he's posting here because I keep forwarding these panels to him. Also, hi.

Thank you for your contribution, mate, but people like that have a hard time comprehending the written word.
DB Multiverse page 1920
Son Bra August 7th 2021
brolyfanboyxx999 was saying:
Son Bra was saying: Grydon was saying: Son Bra was saying: You guys do know that Asura's art is the only saving grace this fan comic has, right?
Umm, no, we do not know, as that is very far from the truth. Asura’s art is a beautiful cherry on top of an amazing story.

Son Bra was saying: Asura is quite possibly the best Dragon Ball artist out there, and the biggest detractor from your stupid special chapter is the fact that you gather - quite often inferior - artists that aren't Asura to do them. So if you have artists other than Asura do the art for the main chapters, that is a MAJOR quality drop.
First of, what is stupid about background chapters where you learn the past of these other universes? Second, of course they are not drawn by Asura, the whole point of the special chapters is to give Asura time to draw the main chapters. Drawing with that quality takes time by the way, as you clearly haven’t figured that one out.

Son Bra was saying: And art was the only thing DBM had going for it. Reconsider.
Not true, and you know it as you are still here. Great art alone wouldn’t keep anyone with a brain here. You keep coming back for the great story and having a tantrum because something is not going your way.

That's incorrect on a dozen and a half levels, but let's see where to start? There's no "amazing story to be had here. This is just a slugfest, and it pulls from arguably the some of the worst parts of the Dragon Ball franchise - the films and games - to do it. While it does branch off into its own thing, none of those are riveting or fascinating enough to keep the attention of anyone whose preferred past time is reading an actual novel. I stopped actively reading Dragon Ball Multiverse ages ago; I only know what's going on - and thus take the time to rag on this embarrassment - due to a friend of mine on Discord who keeps sharing every painful second of this. If he's going to make me suffer, I'm going to manifest here and complain about it.

The most offensive thing about those special chapters is their artwork. The specials that don't look atrocious are far and few between - with beta and charlotte being among the best - but the rest of them? Actually offensive to look at, especially when Asura does the main chapters and looks AMAZING with everything they do. Also, being friends with an artist, and involved with another, I am fully aware that quality art takes time. Which means Salagir should either find some quality artists or not do specials if he's happy with the bottom of the barrel making them.

And you are correct: great art is not what is keeping most of the audience here, but that means most of DBM's audience doesn't have a brain. I've learned from Dragon Ball Heroes that it doesn't take much for a Dragon Ball fan to think something is amazing. Give them the bare minimum, throw in Koora, OG!Broly, and maybe Janenba for good measure, and they're all going to cream themselves.

Why are you complaining so much? Maybe your friend is just bad at describing things. You literally said you haven't been reading, and you bashed every single persons artstyle and said they're all inferior to Asura, which is untrue.

Maybe instead of complaining without reading, you could go back and invest yourself in the story, and if you don't want to do that, why are you talking like your opinion is the right one?

The funny thing about opinions is they are naturally variable. Do I think it's the right one? Absolutely. Is it? Not necessarily. Will I continue to speak with confidence? Abso-fucking-lutely. Sorry, sweetie, if you want this to be an echo chamber where everyone worships a terrible writer, but that's not the way it's going to be. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1920
Son Bra August 7th 2021
Grydon was saying:
Son Bra was saying: You guys do know that Asura's art is the only saving grace this fan comic has, right?
Umm, no, we do not know, as that is very far from the truth. Asura’s art is a beautiful cherry on top of an amazing story.

Son Bra was saying: Asura is quite possibly the best Dragon Ball artist out there, and the biggest detractor from your stupid special chapter is the fact that you gather - quite often inferior - artists that aren't Asura to do them. So if you have artists other than Asura do the art for the main chapters, that is a MAJOR quality drop.
First of, what is stupid about background chapters where you learn the past of these other universes? Second, of course they are not drawn by Asura, the whole point of the special chapters is to give Asura time to draw the main chapters. Drawing with that quality takes time by the way, as you clearly haven’t figured that one out.

Son Bra was saying: And art was the only thing DBM had going for it. Reconsider.
Not true, and you know it as you are still here. Great art alone wouldn’t keep anyone with a brain here. You keep coming back for the great story and having a tantrum because something is not going your way.

That's incorrect on a dozen and a half levels, but let's see where to start? There's no "amazing story to be had here. This is just a slugfest, and it pulls from arguably the some of the worst parts of the Dragon Ball franchise - the films and games - to do it. While it does branch off into its own thing, none of those are riveting or fascinating enough to keep the attention of anyone whose preferred past time is reading an actual novel. I stopped actively reading Dragon Ball Multiverse ages ago; I only know what's going on - and thus take the time to rag on this embarrassment - due to a friend of mine on Discord who keeps sharing every painful second of this. If he's going to make me suffer, I'm going to manifest here and complain about it.

The most offensive thing about those special chapters is their artwork. The specials that don't look atrocious are far and few between - with beta and charlotte being among the best - but the rest of them? Actually offensive to look at, especially when Asura does the main chapters and looks AMAZING with everything they do. Also, being friends with an artist, and involved with another, I am fully aware that quality art takes time. Which means Salagir should either find some quality artists or not do specials if he's happy with the bottom of the barrel making them.

And you are correct: great art is not what is keeping most of the audience here, but that means most of DBM's audience doesn't have a brain. I've learned from Dragon Ball Heroes that it doesn't take much for a Dragon Ball fan to think something is amazing. Give them the bare minimum, throw in Koora, OG!Broly, and maybe Janenba for good measure, and they're all going to cream themselves. 3 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1920
Son Bra August 7th 2021
Wait wait. Another artist besides Asura is working on the main story? You guys do know that Asura's art is the only saving grace this fan comic has, right? Asura is quite possibly the best Dragon Ball artist out there, and the biggest detractor from your stupid special chapter is the fact that you gather - quite often inferior - artists that aren't Asura to do them. So if you have artists other than Asura do the art for the main chapters, that is a MAJOR quality drop. And art was the only thing DBM had going for it. Reconsider. 3 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1920
Son Bra July 5th 2021
The Thunderer was saying:
Son Bra was saying: zysoring was saying: Didn’t Uub use the candy ray in GT against Bebi?

This manga ignores GT (as it should)

Page 1048

Jokes aside, yeah, it’s just the original manga that’s 100% canon. Anything else is removed or adapted, like the movies (sometimes loosely).

It could be argued that is different, as it is going Super Saiyan while a giant monkey, as opposed to just transforming into a golden one for no reason.
DB Multiverse page 1902
Son Bra July 4th 2021
Asura, your work is normally superb...but what is with that torso?
DB Multiverse page 1906
Son Bra June 26th 2021
zysoring was saying:
Didn’t Uub use the candy ray in GT against Bebi?

This manga ignores GT (as it should) 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1902
Son Bra June 26th 2021
That was actually funny, not even going to lie. Credit where credit is due for a very Dragon Ball-like gag.
DB Multiverse page 1902
Son Bra May 24th 2021
They're going to "renegotiate"? With WHO? He's stronger than them.
DB Multiverse page 1888
Son Bra May 22nd 2021
BrutaleBent was saying:
Son Bra was saying: brolyfanboyxx999 was saying: Son Bra was saying: DrewSaga was saying: Son Bra was saying: No. No. Breathing is most certainly not optional for Broly. He. Is. Still. A. Saiyan. Saiyans. Require. Air. On. Some. Bloody. Level. I know you lot are basing this off god knows what, probably the bloody movies and specials, but current Dragon Ball canonical material has finally stated, definitively, that Saiyans cannot breathe in space. Those filler sequences and older specials or movies got it wrong. The absolute shilling of Broly in this fancomic has reached ludicrous heights; even Bra and Vegetto need to breathe, and those two are the favourites of Salagir. Even when Gokū fought Beerus, it was in the stratosphere, even if it was the minimalist reaches of it.

Friggin'...I just can't. I don't wanna devolve into a profane rant because that'll get this account demolished, but this is just ludicrous.

I mean Kid Broly in U3 wasn't even LSSJ and he was flying across space. Not defending this or anything but I thought that this was actually known. Still dumb because again, every other Saiyan needs oxygen, maybe the LSSJ mutation, which causes invulnerability also can help a Saiyan survive space without oxygen, kind of like Frieza or even Buu.

I don't want to even give them that kind of credit, sadly. Its just shilling Broly, plain and simple. I haven't been paying this too much attention, since the only thing I come to DBM for anymore is the art, and the only artist worth their salt is Asura. So I typically avoid these anyway but I have a friend who likes me to suffer, so he shares this from time to time. Ugh.

Why are you malding? If you actually payed attention or looked into it you'd see that this LSSJ and the Saiyans in general have a different backstory. Because when DBM came out, it was before Super and didn't want to continue off of GT. They filled in a lot of the blanks and they're not gonna change it now after 10+ years. The thing is, what's even wrong with this version of Broly? There's nothing wrong with him because it makes sense in DBM canon, and was established years ago.

https://w.../chapter-1.html - Hanasia Queen of the Saiyans is a story that takes place ~1000 years before the events of DBZ, and tells the story of the primal saiyans.

https://w...-68.html#h_read - More context about Broly's story in different universes.

https://www.dragonball-multiverse.com/en/faq.html - There's even a FAQ page which answers a lot of questions people have been asking.

Why is Broly so strong?
He's not the same Broly as in the movies (indeed, I give myself the right to change everything that's not from the manga).
Broly's "legendary" power causes his strength to be always increasing, as long as he is alive. Thus his power rises with each passing minute.
Our heroes have met Broly during an equivalent of Movie 8, and during an equivalent of Movie 10. Both times they barely succeeded in repelling him.

Broly's "the Legendary Saiyan" special powers:
(It's as they are in DBM. This is NOT manga canon, this is NOT official)
— Every 1000 years, one Saiyan is born as "Legendary".
— This Saiyan is very very strong.
— This Saiyan loves violence, and is inhabited by rage.
— This Saiyan can turn into SSJ easily.
— This Saiyan got a special transformation named "LSSJ".
— In LSSJ, he got white eyes, huge muscles and green aura. He is totally blinded with rage and seeks only violence.
— In LSSJ, this Saiyan turns indestructible: attacks just don't hurt him. He can be pushed away, but not harmed.
— In LSSJ, the power of this Saiyan grows constantly.
— In LSSJ, this Saiyan won't get back to normal except in case a great shock.
— In LSSJ, the lifetime of the Saiyan drops dramatically. But this weakness slowly reduces on each generation.

There's an entire section ABOUT Broly describing what makes him different from the main canon.

So they've managed to explain their stupidity. Believe me, that doesn't make it better, it just means they're trying to justify it for their low quality fanfic.

Exactly. It’s like they went full 6 yo kids playfighting logic with Broly. It’s by far the most inane part of DBM. This “no need to breathe” only made me lol at this point. Salagir really dropped the ball in parts of this series, only thing really keeping it up, is the great art...

That is honestly what hurts the most. I feel like Asura is wasting their talent here. I follow them on DA too and it is great to see them put out art there as well. I personally wish the one I consider to be the best Dragon Ball artist alive at the moment - and I say that without exaggeration - wasn't using their talent on this...this...I can't even call it a train wreck, at least a train was originally something worthwhile.
DB Multiverse page 1880
Son Bra May 21st 2021
I love that Ginyū is still the most likeable and enjoyable thing about this fan manga.
DB Multiverse page 1887
Son Bra May 8th 2021
brolyfanboyxx999 was saying:
Son Bra was saying: DrewSaga was saying: Son Bra was saying: No. No. Breathing is most certainly not optional for Broly. He. Is. Still. A. Saiyan. Saiyans. Require. Air. On. Some. Bloody. Level. I know you lot are basing this off god knows what, probably the bloody movies and specials, but current Dragon Ball canonical material has finally stated, definitively, that Saiyans cannot breathe in space. Those filler sequences and older specials or movies got it wrong. The absolute shilling of Broly in this fancomic has reached ludicrous heights; even Bra and Vegetto need to breathe, and those two are the favourites of Salagir. Even when Gokū fought Beerus, it was in the stratosphere, even if it was the minimalist reaches of it.

Friggin'...I just can't. I don't wanna devolve into a profane rant because that'll get this account demolished, but this is just ludicrous.

I mean Kid Broly in U3 wasn't even LSSJ and he was flying across space. Not defending this or anything but I thought that this was actually known. Still dumb because again, every other Saiyan needs oxygen, maybe the LSSJ mutation, which causes invulnerability also can help a Saiyan survive space without oxygen, kind of like Frieza or even Buu.

I don't want to even give them that kind of credit, sadly. Its just shilling Broly, plain and simple. I haven't been paying this too much attention, since the only thing I come to DBM for anymore is the art, and the only artist worth their salt is Asura. So I typically avoid these anyway but I have a friend who likes me to suffer, so he shares this from time to time. Ugh.

Why are you malding? If you actually payed attention or looked into it you'd see that this LSSJ and the Saiyans in general have a different backstory. Because when DBM came out, it was before Super and didn't want to continue off of GT. They filled in a lot of the blanks and they're not gonna change it now after 10+ years. The thing is, what's even wrong with this version of Broly? There's nothing wrong with him because it makes sense in DBM canon, and was established years ago.

https://w.../chapter-1.html - Hanasia Queen of the Saiyans is a story that takes place ~1000 years before the events of DBZ, and tells the story of the primal saiyans.

https://w...-68.html#h_read - More context about Broly's story in different universes.

https://www.dragonball-multiverse.com/en/faq.html - There's even a FAQ page which answers a lot of questions people have been asking.

Why is Broly so strong?
He's not the same Broly as in the movies (indeed, I give myself the right to change everything that's not from the manga).
Broly's "legendary" power causes his strength to be always increasing, as long as he is alive. Thus his power rises with each passing minute.
Our heroes have met Broly during an equivalent of Movie 8, and during an equivalent of Movie 10. Both times they barely succeeded in repelling him.

Broly's "the Legendary Saiyan" special powers:
(It's as they are in DBM. This is NOT manga canon, this is NOT official)
— Every 1000 years, one Saiyan is born as "Legendary".
— This Saiyan is very very strong.
— This Saiyan loves violence, and is inhabited by rage.
— This Saiyan can turn into SSJ easily.
— This Saiyan got a special transformation named "LSSJ".
— In LSSJ, he got white eyes, huge muscles and green aura. He is totally blinded with rage and seeks only violence.
— In LSSJ, this Saiyan turns indestructible: attacks just don't hurt him. He can be pushed away, but not harmed.
— In LSSJ, the power of this Saiyan grows constantly.
— In LSSJ, this Saiyan won't get back to normal except in case a great shock.
— In LSSJ, the lifetime of the Saiyan drops dramatically. But this weakness slowly reduces on each generation.

There's an entire section ABOUT Broly describing what makes him different from the main canon.

So they've managed to explain their stupidity. Believe me, that doesn't make it better, it just means they're trying to justify it for their low quality fanfic. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1880
Son Bra May 6th 2021
DrewSaga was saying:
Son Bra was saying: No. No. Breathing is most certainly not optional for Broly. He. Is. Still. A. Saiyan. Saiyans. Require. Air. On. Some. Bloody. Level. I know you lot are basing this off god knows what, probably the bloody movies and specials, but current Dragon Ball canonical material has finally stated, definitively, that Saiyans cannot breathe in space. Those filler sequences and older specials or movies got it wrong. The absolute shilling of Broly in this fancomic has reached ludicrous heights; even Bra and Vegetto need to breathe, and those two are the favourites of Salagir. Even when Gokū fought Beerus, it was in the stratosphere, even if it was the minimalist reaches of it.

Friggin'...I just can't. I don't wanna devolve into a profane rant because that'll get this account demolished, but this is just ludicrous.

I mean Kid Broly in U3 wasn't even LSSJ and he was flying across space. Not defending this or anything but I thought that this was actually known. Still dumb because again, every other Saiyan needs oxygen, maybe the LSSJ mutation, which causes invulnerability also can help a Saiyan survive space without oxygen, kind of like Frieza or even Buu.

I don't want to even give them that kind of credit, sadly. Its just shilling Broly, plain and simple. I haven't been paying this too much attention, since the only thing I come to DBM for anymore is the art, and the only artist worth their salt is Asura. So I typically avoid these anyway but I have a friend who likes me to suffer, so he shares this from time to time. Ugh. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1880
Son Bra May 6th 2021
This isn't a comment on this...utterly horrid mini-arc, although I could afford to go into depth.

Anyone else laughing at Bū's derp face?
DB Multiverse page 1878
Son Bra May 6th 2021
No. No. Breathing is most certainly not optional for Broly. He. Is. Still. A. Saiyan. Saiyans. Require. Air. On. Some. Bloody. Level. I know you lot are basing this off god knows what, probably the bloody movies and specials, but current Dragon Ball canonical material has finally stated, definitively, that Saiyans cannot breathe in space. Those filler sequences and older specials or movies got it wrong. The absolute shilling of Broly in this fancomic has reached ludicrous heights; even Bra and Vegetto need to breathe, and those two are the favourites of Salagir. Even when Gokū fought Beerus, it was in the stratosphere, even if it was the minimalist reaches of it.

Friggin'...I just can't. I don't wanna devolve into a profane rant because that'll get this account demolished, but this is just ludicrous. 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1880
Son Bra January 14th 2021
This manga's biggest saving grace is Asura's art style; he is probably the best Dragon Ball artist alive, official or unofficial. So a project with subpar writing, that exists more or less as spectacle, manages to be, without exaggeration, the best looking thing to ever come out of Dragon Ball short of the recent Broly movie. And it really does hurt that this art couldn't be going towards a project with better writing. 1 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1833
Son Bra January 14th 2021
"You're in my seat."

Really doubling down on not understanding what tone is. I get that there has just been a massive amount of slaughter, and then more ATTEMPTED slaughter, but really, you all needed to have done this better. There are different ways to ease an audience away from two years of violence - and, of course, the absolute butchering of a fan favourite character, no, I can't let this go - but you all simply doubled down on the "hey we're all back from the dead let's crack jokes about it" humour that TFS is known for, rather than an actual Dragon Ball story. Even in the Majin Bū arc, where the writing was arguably at its worse, and life and death were handled poorly, it was still done better than jokes at the expense of the narrative.

I know my comment most likely didn't reach you all in time for this page, nay, even if it had, I doubt you all are the type to take feedback, but it still hurts to see it one page after another.
DB Multiverse page 1833
Son Bra January 12th 2021
Krillin was saying:
Son Bra was saying: Salagir, you guys do understand tone, correct? Dragon Ball has always been a gag series, so there is certainly supposed to be humour in it. However, I believe Oak's word's echo here.

There's a time and a place for everything. You all go from more or less finalising your butchering of Vegetto as a character and a concept by having him attempt filicide in front of his family, friend, and an assortment of complete strangers, then completely lambasting him by speaking directly to the audience through your characters about flaws you all created for him that only serve to undermine him as a character. And this is after you just finished, using one Bra to highlight the flaws of the other Bra by, once again, just taking audience critiques about the character and surgically inserting them into your story. And this is from a Bra fan, my username isn't "Son Bra" for no reason (and I find it hilarious that it wasn't taken, it either goes to show the terrible reception of the character or perhaps this website doesn't care who uses what name?). It feels like Salagir would rather this have been a manga central to Bra, and I don't even think that would have been a bad thing, but he knew he needed the Multiverse angle to draw people in before he focused entirely on his pet character. Which, again, not necessarily bad, but upfront honesty would have been nice about, oh...ten years or so ago.

This manga hooked me initially on the idea of a permanent Vegetto. He is my favourite fusion (outside of Kefla, as Salagir continues to refuse to acknowledge DBS, despite clearly taking inspirations from it later) and I was interested to see what they'd do with him. Oh and they gave him a daughter, an older Bra who is amazingly strong and badass, that sounds cool too, how amazing this fan manga is going to be.

I fell in love with this comic so many years ago due to Vegetto, and in extension, his story, which cannot be told without Bra, so with her too. A father trying his best to adjust to a situation birthed out of necessity. Later on, taking the mantle of Universe's Defender. A role of heroism unparalleled in all the universes combined and dealing with the fatherly affections he holds for his daughter and the duty he hails to as the Universe's Defender. Bra, a girl trying her best to control herself in a universe so fragile that it can crumble under her hands if she squishes hard enough, and not only that, her father is the strongest in the universe, with the heaviest burden too, which in time, she must uphold as well. Her struggles make her flawed (in my mind, the perfect type of setup for an overpowered character, to grow and overcome.). So my expectations were always how this duo would ultimately overcome their struggles and grow as characters.

Now in the present, I just look at all the butchered fan-favorite series as of late, and cannot fathom how there are still people who take up after them. for example, I don't understand the deal with authors and their need to shoot down fan-favorite characters to shoe in others. You didn't need to butcher Vegetto's character (a character of whom you rode on the back of to promote your comic). Unlike most trash from Hollywood, Bra was finely written with issues that could be rectified through character growth... but instead of that, instead of respecting Vegetto as both a character and a father... we get this.

This for me has been quite the wild ride, my biggest expectation from the beginning of the Majin Bra arc was how she would break the mind control, to my let down, it was by being called weak/passive. Instead of the realization of what she has done. "Fine", I thought, "At the very least she could regret things later on" but to my surprise, I was mind blown by the amounts of overprotectiveness the author felt for Bra to the point that she cant even be chastised. I literally couldn't believe what I was reading. It took me several days to progress what I just read, and in the end, I saw it. It was the author butchering Vegetto's character to have him forcefully replaced by Bra. How many years of this father and daughter dynamic flushed down the toilet to shoehorn this nonsense? Sigh

Thank kami however for @Argelios edit. I don't think I could've continued past page 1830 without it, and ironically, it had everything I ever wanted for both Vegetto and Bra all illustrated within 3 pages, a functional father and daughter relationship, and the setup to pass the reins of responsibility to Bra after she proves herself to Universe 19. This is the difference that makes a world of difference, instead of shoehorning Bra to replace Vegetto, you give her the opportunity to earn herself the respect of the viewers, not through pity but through heroism.

I am in more or less agreement with pretty much everything you say here. I think it was more or less similar to the points I was making earlier too. It really is a shame how far this comic has fallen, and Bra had quite a lot of potential that they managed to ruin, while simultaneously butchering fan-loved characters. And I think the worst thing is, people go into Dragon Ball fan projects with the mentality "How hard can it be to write, it's Dragon Ball." Which is sad, because Dragon Ball has more nuance than quite a lot of Western fans give it credit for, and this comic isn't much better than Dragon Ball Heroes at what it does.
DB Multiverse page 1832
Son Bra January 12th 2021
MagnusGallant was saying:
CrystalMV was saying:
Vegeta was in charge. He had them kill the Z Warriors.

Not really, Frieza was in charge, he wanted everyone on earth dead, so he (Frieza) could profit on the planet.

CrystalMV was saying:
Vegeta WAS let off scott free. When Freeza, Cell and others kicked his ass, they were doing it for their own pleasure, not justice.

It doesn't have to be in the name of justice to be considered poetic justice.

That mission wasn't officially sanctioned by Freeza. Vegeta was the head honcho of the mission to invade Earth, he was Nappa's direct superior both in that mission and in the Freeza army directly. Everything Nappa did is directly Vegeta' fault.
DB Multiverse page 1832
Son Bra January 11th 2021
This is the big one, right here. Vegetto may have had issues, and from what I hear, he's even worse in some of the supplementary DBM material — I think he threatened his own granddaughter to get Gohan to fight him? — but that's just supplementary material. It can be ignored, and should never be required for the complete understanding of what is unfolding in front of your eyes. And what my eyes see here is the completion of an apparent long-game in assassinating the character of Vegetto (Son Vegetto? How are y'all doing his name?). This moment here, perhaps more than any other, proves that neither of you understand Son Gokū or Vegeta in the bloody slightest. Neither one of them would pull crap like this; Vegeta, at the point he'd fused with Gokū to make Vegetto, had already laid his life on the life for his wife and only son. He'd bid his son farewell, implored the boy to take care of his mother, and blew himself to smithereens for the sake of protecting his family. Son Gokū has willingly, without hesitation, sacrificed himself twice to save the life of his son, Gohan. For Vegeta, his child is a point of pride. For Gokū, his life is something that can casually be thrown away if it means protecting the son he loves.

And you all expect us to believe that two people like that would, when merged, created an abusive psychopath of a father who would willingly attempt filicide because she fell under the control of a magical imp by accident? When half of him did it on PURPOSE because he was having a midlife crisis and couldn't accept that a dead man was better than him? Even if Vegeta still had issues when he fused with Gokū to make Vegetto, THIS is not what would happen. Gokū has never canonically struck his children as discipline (no, we're not counting that random filler moment where he just punches Gohan) and Vegeta, while he doesn't hold back in sparring, hardly seems physical on the discipline either. He was GENTLE when he knocked Trunks out (and just didn't give a fuck with Goten, but the boy had Kakarotto's face). This is just horrible handling of a beloved character for the sake of making Bra — who, again, I like and I don't actually think is at fault here — look better by comparison. There were other ways to do this, Salagir.
DB Multiverse page 1822
Son Bra January 11th 2021
This is honestly where I'll say something positive. I've been commenting on pages after this before this one, but for this page, I actually have some positive things to say.

This is either good writing, or at the very least, a perfunctory attempt at it. I've always liked Bra. Again, my username isn't "Son Bra" for no reason. I feel the need to preface the coming statement with that, lest people thing I'm on the bandwagon of her haters. However, it does feel a bit...shallow...I think that's the right word...?...for this to be coming about here. This is definitely the character route Bra should be taking: her father is a horrible, abusive man who is a pretty good example of everything wrong with this fanfic, and I don't believe for a second that Bra willingly let herself fall under the control of Babidi. She's arrogant, haughty, and prideful to a fault, admittedly attractive qualities for me to see in a female character, especially one so action-oriented as Bra.

However, this doesn't feel earned. I can't say how I'd have done it better, since, tbh, this isn't the story I'd be writing, and this doesn't feel like the story Salagir wants to be writing either. I feel like he desperately wants to focus more on Bra than anything else, and this entire Multiverse set-up is basically a playground for him to write her in. And make no mistake, I've nothing against that, but I do think this would have been a better story if it had focused on Vegetto and Bra from the start. Because it didn't, but they also get so much focus in this story, Bra here at this moment feels like this should have been building up for quite a long time, but everything was just thrown at her within the last few pages because a mirror version of herself with a much more mental stability called her out on all of her flaws.

Character development is a tricky beast, but it should be done through the trials and tribulations of the character, not simply the character being told that they're a mess. But that's just me.
DB Multiverse page 1829
Son Bra January 11th 2021
I do love how we spend...almost two years, almost two years...on the Bra plotline, and it's all undone with some of the worst way to handle writing (again, you never use your characters to speak for your audience, and even worse to use them to speak TO your audience like "Oh look we totally get what you're saying but everyone in Universe acknowledges it so your complaints are invalid) and then Majin Bū undoes everything with a literal snap of his fingers.

Why even set up Mary Sue (no, the actual one) as if she was gonna solve this when Zen Bū is capable of ridiculous feat like this? Even coming from a series where damage and deaths are undone with magic balls, this feels like a particularly bad way to do it. We have dozens of sets of Dragon Balls around, do we not? Just summon Shénlóng. Maybe it's because, since this isn't official, it's very hard to give a shite about anyone, I'm not sure. But this definitely doesn't feel the same as simply using the Dragon Balls to undo everything, when your character who can fix everything is just...casually walking around.

This is a "Whis" problem, I have this same issue with Whis in Super. But Salagir doesn't like Super, right?
DB Multiverse page 1831
Son Bra January 11th 2021
Jotaro Kujo was saying:
like how this comment stays when my judging of the series in the comments gets deleted :)

Did it? That's actually just wrong; if a comment is legitimate criticism of a work, even harsh, it should be allowed to stay. If you can't handle actual criticism of your work, you ought not to be putting any out where people can consume it.
DB Multiverse page 1832
Son Bra January 11th 2021
MagnusGallant was saying:
Son Bra was saying: In the same way Vegeta was just casually let off scott free for murdering (or at the least aiding and abetting in the murder of) the Dragon Team and an entire village of Nameccians?

Vegeta didn't aid or assist in the murdering of the Z Warriors, it was all Nappa, and a Saibamen (Which were planted by Nappa), Vegeta even gave Piccolo some extra hours to live when he decided to stop Nappa until Goku arrives, and even though he didn't land a blow on no one besides Goku, he was, quoting: "Destroyed, all by a low level warrior, his halfbreed son, a midget and a obese man with a sword".

About the rest, the funny thing about Vegeta is that every bad action he does is rewarded with an huge humiliation.

Vegeta decides to destroy a Village, as a direct consequence of this Frieza sends Zarbon after Vegeta and also calls the Gintu force, Zarbon beats the crap out of Vegeta and so does Recoome.

Vegeta decides to go after the Dragon Balls, leaving Goku alone to fight Ginyu and Jeice on his own, thanks to that Goku is healing while Vegeta is getting his ass whopped by Frieza, and then killed by this.

Vegeta thinks it's a good idea to hunt the androids and put in risk/kills some civilians while facing c18, his arms are wrecked because of that.

Vegeta wants a big challenge and decides that helping Cell achieve his perfect form is the way to go, thanks to that his spine is crushed.

Vegeta feels like being evil again and becomes a Majin, kills a bunch of spectators and helps with Buu resurrection, Buu brutally kick his ass, not once but twice, making him pay in blood for the foolishness of his mistakes.

Anyone who says that Vegeta was "let off scott free" after his bad behavior didn't watch the show or read the manga, the life of Vegeta is literally paying in punishments and injures for his bad behavior.

Here Bra humiliated everyone while being a Majin and when Vegetto came to give her some of the blows that she delivered to the rest he was stopped, if the scenario played out differently, with the hero team barely being able to stop Bra on her tracks, but somehow managing to do so no one would be asking for a punishment.

I'll actually give you part of that, though Vegeta is every bit as complicit in the slaughter of the Dragon Team as Nappa. He is Nappa's direct superior, so saying Vegeta is not to be held accountable for what Nappa did on Earth is like saying a general should not be held accountable for what the soldiers in his charge do or do not do. A leader should always be held accountable for the people he influences. But you are right, karma essentially did pay Vegeta back.

However, Bra's own father trying to kill her is a bit much, IMO. Especially considering it is just...so out of character for the two people that make up his fusion, and thus is out of character for any Vegetto except the one Salagir created.
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Son Bra January 11th 2021
Scandal was saying:
How bout that punishment? She can't be let free.

Who, Bra? She can't be let free? In the same way Vegeta was just casually let off scott free for murdering (or at the least aiding and abetting in the murder of) the Dragon Team and an entire village of Nameccians? And that's just counting the folk he's been responsible for the death of since he encountered our heroes, to say nothing of the slaughter he's caused across Universe 7 in the actual story. How about when Vegeta was just casually let off scott free when he INTENTIONALLY sold his soul to Babidi because he was having a midlife crisis and couldn't accept that he'd never settled his differences with Kakarrot (when it wasn't even Kakarrot who beat him on Earth but that's neither here nor there). Bra can very much be let off scott free for being blindsided with mind control and killing everyone under someone else's influence. It happens in anime all the time, and especially so in Dragon Ball. Why pass out arbitrary punishments now when the original series certainly hasn't and it makes no sense in-universe as the people literally sit down and break bread with yesterday's murderers. 3 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1832
Son Bra January 10th 2021
Salagir, you guys do understand tone, correct? Dragon Ball has always been a gag series, so there is certainly supposed to be humour in it. However, I believe Oak's word's echo here.

There's a time and a place for everything. You all go from more or less finalising your butchering of Vegetto as a character and a concept by having him attempt filicide in front of his family, friend, and an assortment of complete strangers, then completely lambasting him by speaking directly to the audience through your characters about flaws you all created for him that only serve to undermine him as a character. And this is after you just finished, using one Bra to highlight the flaws of the other Bra by, once again, just taking audience critiques about the character and surgically inserting them into your story. And this is from a Bra fan, my username isn't "Son Bra" for no reason (and I find it hilarious that it wasn't taken, it either goes to show the terrible reception of the character or perhaps this website doesn't care who uses what name?). It feels like Salagir would rather this have been a manga central to Bra, and I don't even think that would have been a bad thing, but he knew he needed the Multiverse angle to draw people in before he focused entirely on his pet character. Which, again, not necessarily bad, but upfront honesty would have been nice about, oh...ten years or so ago.

This manga hooked me initially on the idea of a permanent Vegetto. He is my favourite fusion (outside of Kefla, as Salagir continues to refuse to acknowledge DBS, despite clearly taking inspirations from it later) and I was interested to see what they'd do with him. Oh and they gave him a daughter, an older Bra who is amazingly strong and badass, that sounds cool too, how amazing this fan manga is going to be.

Cut to a decade later and I am more disappointed than I am satisfied. Well, may as well continue to see how you butcher Vegetto, prop Bra up, and more or less continue to misunderstand the series. Will Broly be making another return for more fanservice despite the fact that we canonically now have a much more interesting Broly y'all can be using? WHO KNOWS?! 2 Replie(s)
DB Multiverse page 1832
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