DB Multiverse
Fanart creation by gilles bud

Author: gilles bud (See his 25 others fanarts)
From country: FR
Posted on: 2018-02-15
Ep 21. Son Bra VS Cold
En couleur - Doublé en Français.
Full color - Subtitled in english - Dubbed French
See the whole series - Voir toute la série
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Your comments may be deleted if they don't comply with any of the following rules. Moreover, you may be banned, depending on the content or the insistence of your messages. These rules may be applied even if your comment is about DBM!
#0. Comments, discussions or issues about the forum should stay on the forum.
#1. Do not comment about the moderation. Don't ask why your comment has been deleted either. It's out of topic. If you want to discuss it, please send your question or argument to the team (in menu "The authors")
#2. In that comment space, comments are only about DBM, and mostly about the current page. Not anything else. Debates linked to DBM but drifting to something else than the current page must not last for too long. Also, if the two sides just stand firm, then it's useless to let it go on further. For longer argument, there is the forum.
#3. Do not post insult, provocation, racist, sexist, (etc) comments.
#4. Follow the rules of the English language as much as possible. No sms.
If we consider a comment isn't readable, it'll be deleted.
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#5. No flooding. So, do not send twice (or more) the same message. Don't repeat links. Don't post comments with content written with capital letters. The 'first' and other comments of the kind are not tolerated either.
#6. Don't post ads in the comments, even if it's just once. Even if it's well writen. Even if it's about DBZ. Even if it's short.
The "Promos" page is here for that.
Don't post links, unless it had a direct connection with the current page.
#7. No “signatures” (a signature is a sentence or a link at the end of your comment, that is repeated – or not – and that doesn't have any connection with what you just said and with DBM)
#8. Please, make sure that your comment does make sense, at least a little. So, please, do not send comment that are just "yeah!" "oh!" "huh?" "pfff"... People need to know what you're talking about.
Comments are full sentences, not just one word.
#9. Do not double post (two posts one after the other). You can use the "edit" button. But you are allowed to send several comments on the same page (well, no flooding either).
#10. Do not pretend you're another commenter.
#11. Do not write several messages with exactly the same idea.
#12. No value judgement! Provocation and/or judgement (such as "you're an idiot", "you certainly are a kid", "learn to read", "your comment is rubbish", "such a debate is useless"...) are not welcomed. You comment and debate about the comics, not about the readers and their intentions. Moreover, if a debate doesn't interest you, do not take part in it.
#13. Besides, do not try to second-guess what the authors (or even the readers) have in mind. For instance: “It's obvious they're not motivated anymore”, “DBM will soon end”. You can't read people's thoughts.
#14. Please, avoid political, religious, identity, community etc... references.
#15. Do not accuse one another of this and that. For instance: a reader who dislike Bra isn't necessarily misogynous, a reader who dislikes Uub isn't necessarily a racist.
#16. Do not be extreme to the point you lose every objectivity, even if you're defending DBM. Do not think you're a moderator. So, for instance, do not write: "Don't read if you don't like it." "Go and try and draw better!" or "Stop criticizing!!" Readers may, or may not, approve of the scenario, the characters or the drawings. Debate if you wish, but stay objective. Really: do not try to do the job of the moderators, you just give them more work to do.
#17. If you ever have questions about DBM (the publication of the next page, how we work...), do not ask it here. Read the FAQ. If you can't find the answer in there, you can send a mail to the DBM team in the "The Authors" section.
#18. Do not reply to anyone who doesn't follow the rules, or your comment will be deleted as the same time as him, even if it's about DBM too.
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If you write the words "page 150", it will turn into a link to this DBM page.
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Note about imgur.com service: they don't like to be used for this. Thus, if you use them, you will see your image, but other people won't!
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