![Univers 8: Søgen på Namek, uden Vegeta! - Kapitel 37, Side 817 [DBM PAGE IMAGE]](/image.php?idp=1000817&lg=da_DK&ext=png&pw=0e744e0737f544d57c4ab23d527f4a43)
We're lucky he was one of the weakest of them.
Master Freeza will destroy you!!
...But the remaining three are much stronger than us...
And if this guy found your village, the others won't be far behind.
Damn! There's nothing! They fled for sure, Lord Freeza's gonna have my head! I've got to crisscross the globe endlessly...
...until I find one!
Maximum speed!
Are we close?
A few more hours...
Well, let's take a break, then. It's not as if somebody's looking for us!