![传说赛亚人卷土重来!! - Chapter 12, 页码 242 [DBM PAGE IMAGE]](/image.php?idp=1000242&lg=cn&ext=png&pw=d9623f71329e08e1adf4a7300045ab11)
Crashed against the comet and the Genkidama, Broly lost his Legendary Saiyan transformation, and wandered in nearby-space.
The gravity of the “New Planet Vegeta” sucked him back slowly.
Alone for six years, he slowly got back on his feet.
Once ready, he focused on his goal...
Find his best enemy!!
He detected powers, and went to them, without starship... nor air.
When he saw the Earth, being exhausted, he let himself lose consciousness.
Broly loves to change of hair color. Here is what we decided as "DBM canon" :
No need to answer: "you're wrong". I'm not telling here the real colors of Toei Canon Broly. I'm telling the colors of DBM Canon Broly. The one that is indestructible and stupid in LSSJ.
Click here to see all the real colors he got in the films!