DB Multiverse
Fanart creation by Dimaneitorcomics

Author: Dimaneitorcomics (See his 15 others fanarts)
From country: ES
Posted on: 2020-12-06
Cuando Bra ya no está bajo la influencia de Babidi y parece que todo se ha calmado, de repente aparece un enemigo cabreado que podría matarlos a todos... ¡I'K'L! que al parecer la explosión que mató a todos los espectadores, incluido su madre, le ha cabreado bastante.
When Bra is no longer under the influence of Babidi and it seems that everything has calmed down, a pissed off enemy suddenly appears that could kill them all ... I'K'L! who apparently the explosion that killed all the spectators, including his mother, has pissed him off quite a bit.