DB Multiverse
صفحة العضو Gogetto

I am the hope of the Omniverse

Wild Mr Satan appeared. Mr Satan used substitute. Mr Satan used explosion
DB Multiverse page 2468
What I don't get is whether or not whis knew he was sending trunks into this shit show. I thought at the end of the black arc in DBS whis said he was going to the future to make sure zamasu was dealt with so trunks and Mai wouldn't have to go through this entire situation again in a new timeline.
Maybe it gets answered later on in this story
The inexorable distortion page 19
Maybe it gets answered later on in this story
Did they ever reveal the lie that thorn sniffed out in the last chapter of this story? If not I'm suspecting it might be Gohan is still alive as an android or something
DB Multiverse page 2467
Unless Gohan is playing the long game and waiting to turn on the Saiyan's, this is going to be a massacre. Only hope is krillen mastering solar flare+ destructo disc combo lol
Saigo no Son page 35
And they all lived happily never after
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 74
Pope Muffins كان يقول:
mAc Chaos was saying: Damian Qualshy was saying: Now explain to me why Broly is stronger than the literal fabric of the universe. Because even for Salagir's depiction of the guy, this is absolutely awful.
Why does everyone vanish anyway? Technically, if this happened, then all the dimensions would be merged together instead of removed, no? I mean it had to start somehow, it's not like the universe just showed up like that with dimensions in place, someone created/split them (possibly Kaioshins) in the chaos.
This is in line with the Buu Saga, when Super Buu tried to scream so hard he would break all the boundaries between dimensions and destroy everything.
That was Buu breaking out of a pocket dimension (HBTC) and this is Broly surviving a reality erasure event, two different situations
Why does everyone vanish anyway? Technically, if this happened, then all the dimensions would be merged together instead of removed, no? I mean it had to start somehow, it's not like the universe just showed up like that with dimensions in place, someone created/split them (possibly Kaioshins) in the chaos.
This is in line with the Buu Saga, when Super Buu tried to scream so hard he would break all the boundaries between dimensions and destroy everything.
That was Buu breaking out of a pocket dimension (HBTC) and this is Broly surviving a reality erasure event, two different situations
No he is referring to when buuhan was yelling so hard that the fabric of reality was tearing during the fight w vegetto 1 رد (ردود)
I feel like gast should be able to solo the majority of these androids. Or considering the last special... Is he no where near as powerful as he is in the tournament
DB Multiverse page 2464
Could u18 Goku and Vegeta in their ultimate forms individually beat this broly? Or would they still be lacking the strength to hit him hard enough to knock him out of lssj? I think they should be able to each solo Broly but who knows. Broly is extremely broken in dbm and here lol
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 72
Gast chill. My girl reads this..
Btw is gast reading DBS? That looks like beerus on the right page
DB Multiverse page 2463
Btw is gast reading DBS? That looks like beerus on the right page
If xxi wishes gokus tail back and creates a blutz waves orb to bait him into becoming a great ape then we could get a potential dbm version of ssj4 :D
DB Multiverse page 2462
I can kinda see where this explanation of Broly surviving is coming from... But... Ugh... It's ... Let's just see where it goes from here. I would of preferred the story ending when the initial tear in reality occuring but we may get a decent explanation. Don't be so quick to rip on the author just because you don't like the direction the story is going in
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 71
Maybe he wishes to reverse gokus head injury as a child? I know that's just make him like kakarotto but might be interesting to see Goku break free of it
1 رد (ردود)
DB Multiverse page 2462
What magnificence am I looking at? This page along with daima today has left me with so many questions lol
DB Multiverse page 2461
Yamcha out here looking like a fivehead Goku
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 69
Look to the screen for a 9 hour long directors cut of chibi son bra did her best
DB Multiverse page 2458
Oh boy... I hope they have a pair of potato they can magically pull out of their asses cuz it's def not over yet
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 68
goten-kun كان يقول:
Gogetto was saying: I dunno why it took me so long to think of this but why exactly didn't raditz take over earth after he killed Goku and piccolo? Or did I miss something
Raditz wasn't on Earth for that. His mission was to bring Kakarotto back for another mission: attack a planet. Raditz didn't have time to kill everybody on Earth.^^
Raditz wasn't on Earth for that. His mission was to bring Kakarotto back for another mission: attack a planet. Raditz didn't have time to kill everybody on Earth.^^
Thank you gotten! I am have the memory of a goldfish sometimes lol
ZenBuu كان يقول:
Rimuru_Tempest was saying: It's not canon. This story isn't canon to DBM.
That is true, but this story here still tells how Broly ends up frozen in that block of ice, before the Vargas pick him up for the tournament. Reread Sayazur's comment from the very first page of this comic. It's not DBM canon, yes, but he still tries to stick as close as possible to it.
Imo the real "problem" is still making a story about DBM Broly in the first place, which is a challenge in itself, because he's just so god damn overpowered. Yes, I still dislike the DBM version of Broly a lot. He needs at least one real weakness and the whole "shock him out of the LSSJ" doesn't really seem to work anymore on him at this point.
I do have to agree with some people here tho, this story probably would've worked a bit better, if it took place after Broly was sent back from the DBM tournament to his universe.
On a side note, I would actually be interested to know, why Salagir doesn't see this story as canon to DBM.
That is true, but this story here still tells how Broly ends up frozen in that block of ice, before the Vargas pick him up for the tournament. Reread Sayazur's comment from the very first page of this comic. It's not DBM canon, yes, but he still tries to stick as close as possible to it.
Imo the real "problem" is still making a story about DBM Broly in the first place, which is a challenge in itself, because he's just so god damn overpowered. Yes, I still dislike the DBM version of Broly a lot. He needs at least one real weakness and the whole "shock him out of the LSSJ" doesn't really seem to work anymore on him at this point.
I do have to agree with some people here tho, this story probably would've worked a bit better, if it took place after Broly was sent back from the DBM tournament to his universe.
On a side note, I would actually be interested to know, why Salagir doesn't see this story as canon to DBM.
This makes me think he still has a story to tell with canon DBM Broly either before or after the events of the tournament.
Regarding this page: I am having a hard time understanding how broly survived the stardust breaker/ soul punisher. Seems like Buu (and by extension anyone absorbed by him) have been erased from existence
I dunno why it took me so long to think of this but why exactly didn't raditz take over earth after he killed Goku and piccolo? Or did I miss something
2 رد (ردود)
Saigo no Son page 25
"We had to add this at the last minute so Vegetto didn't throw a shit fit... Yet"
Also, I thought Vegetto had left the arena? Wonder why he is back so quickly... 2 رد (ردود)
DB Multiverse page 2455
Also, I thought Vegetto had left the arena? Wonder why he is back so quickly... 2 رد (ردود)
WongTing كان يقول:
Are you guys sure you don't need a better translator, what Raditz says in the first panel makes 0 sense.
It should be more like...
"No problem? Easy for you to say"
followed by a scoff. "Their army targeted me! Not you!"
Please. They are tons of people whod be willing to proofread/edit this for you guys. Some of us don't have lives and have plenty of time to do it immediately.
Also "At least Frieza will be happy with us" while may be a proper translation, doesn't sound as natural as dialogue should be.
"Well.. at least Lord Frieza will be pleased."
Is much simpler and rolls of the tongue.
It should be more like...
"No problem? Easy for you to say"
followed by a scoff. "Their army targeted me! Not you!"
Please. They are tons of people whod be willing to proofread/edit this for you guys. Some of us don't have lives and have plenty of time to do it immediately.
Also "At least Frieza will be happy with us" while may be a proper translation, doesn't sound as natural as dialogue should be.
"Well.. at least Lord Frieza will be pleased."
Is much simpler and rolls of the tongue.
I second this. The translation is rough at best
I thought trunks patiently waited for cell to show himself in his own timeline knowing cell would eventually pop up when he realized the androids were gone and there was no other way to get them besides the time machine (that could of just been my head canon though. Not sure what actually is stated in the manga. Only know what we saw in the anime scene... "THE NIGHTMARE IS OVER CELL. DIE!!!"
The inexorable distortion page 6
happywarrior99 كان يقول:
U8 Frieza is happy that he won two awards, while every other DBM tournament participant only won one honorary award or no award at all.
U16 Vegetto and U20 Broly are the ones who did not even get one "honorary" mention.
U4 Zen Buu's cameo on page 2454.
Mirror link
Gogetto was saying: Is everyone getting an honorable mention? Will that be what sets Vegetto off lolU16 Vegetto not getting any award after fighting U20 Broly.
papupata was saying: "Nothing to ride home about"Maybe U8 Cooler is jealous of U8 Frieza sparkling.
U16 Vegetto and U20 Broly are the ones who did not even get one "honorary" mention.
U4 Zen Buu's cameo on page 2454.
Mirror link
Gogetto was saying: Is everyone getting an honorable mention? Will that be what sets Vegetto off lolU16 Vegetto not getting any award after fighting U20 Broly.
papupata was saying: "Nothing to ride home about"Maybe U8 Cooler is jealous of U8 Frieza sparkling.
Omfg that's right! I guess it's a good thing he left the arena right before the awards were passed out
"Where's my award for being me!"
Is everyone getting an honorable mention? Will that be what sets Vegetto off lol
1 رد (ردود)
DB Multiverse page 2454
ZenBuu كان يقول:
Bird Mountain was saying: Looks really cool, but I can't seem to keep continuity with Gogeta's SSJ state. It seems every page is a roulette wheel of Super Saiya-Jin.
SSJ3 to normal back to SSJ? was Ultra Instinct thrown in there? Who knows. Back to SSJ3. Next page, maybe he will be using Kai-Oh-Ken next page.
Or as monster suggests, he may split.
Funny how it takes multiple people (Gogeta is a fusion of two people) to make the Rainbow Rasengan like in Naruto. I guess it is a lore accurate reference.
Gogeta was a SSJ3 the whole time, except for page 58 (well until page 61), where Old Kai told him to power down to his base.
After that he went SSJ3 again. Look at the missing eyebrows. But to be fair, at first I also thought he's just in SSJ the last pages.
That being said, awesome page. Kinda wish I could've also colored something in this comic. :D
SSJ3 to normal back to SSJ? was Ultra Instinct thrown in there? Who knows. Back to SSJ3. Next page, maybe he will be using Kai-Oh-Ken next page.
Or as monster suggests, he may split.
Funny how it takes multiple people (Gogeta is a fusion of two people) to make the Rainbow Rasengan like in Naruto. I guess it is a lore accurate reference.
Gogeta was a SSJ3 the whole time, except for page 58 (well until page 61), where Old Kai told him to power down to his base.
After that he went SSJ3 again. Look at the missing eyebrows. But to be fair, at first I also thought he's just in SSJ the last pages.
That being said, awesome page. Kinda wish I could've also colored something in this comic. :D
Do you guys only color via computer? Or have you ever gotten to do a physical coloring of any of the comics on the site. Either way that sounds like a really fun job.
Also how much leeway do you have to decide colors for things? (For example when wu Kong was colored I expected him to have brown fur not yellow)
I love Goku black as a character so I'm stoked for this!
The inexorable distortion page 1
I think this is kinda cool. I don't get why so many people are hating on this story. Sure there are a ton of weird plot holes but Im loving this uphill battle v Broly.
So Buu can wait to absorb you right away? Maybe keep you as a snack for later? I'm guessing that Broly blasts out of Buu before Gogeta delivers the killing blow though 1 رد (ردود)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 64
So Buu can wait to absorb you right away? Maybe keep you as a snack for later? I'm guessing that Broly blasts out of Buu before Gogeta delivers the killing blow though 1 رد (ردود)
ZenBuu كان يقول:
Is Broly... bleeding? He can't bleed in LSSJ. I even asked Salagir about that when we colored Broly vs Vegetto and he was very adamant about the fact that Broly doesn't bleed. ^^
Also, I thought at first that Gogeta is just a SSJ in the first panel because of the hair, until I saw the missing eyebrows.
Also, I thought at first that Gogeta is just a SSJ in the first panel because of the hair, until I saw the missing eyebrows.
That's funny because I was wondering why he went back to ssj1 until I noticed they just looked like eyebrows to me from further away lol
I called it! I think lol. Xxi def needs to feed to stay alive it seems. At least that is my theory. Lol I love how pleasant he is when they knock on the door. It's crazy seeing xxi show emotion.
They need to give 1 wish to u19 and 1 wish to gast, correct? I wonder what xxi will want in return?
Omfg I didn't notice that at first! Maybe he just wants to wish for his dragon balls to be restored. Honestly with them restored he can do whatever he wants in his universe and then giving away the other two wishes won't be a problem.
Goku is absolutely still going to want a fight even if the wish bargain is settled lol
DB Multiverse page 2449
They need to give 1 wish to u19 and 1 wish to gast, correct? I wonder what xxi will want in return?
K-ly كان يقول:
I just realized there are stone dragon balls there! cool page
Omfg I didn't notice that at first! Maybe he just wants to wish for his dragon balls to be restored. Honestly with them restored he can do whatever he wants in his universe and then giving away the other two wishes won't be a problem.
Goku is absolutely still going to want a fight even if the wish bargain is settled lol
Are we 100% sure gast wasn't possessed by xxi at all? I know it doesn't seem like it but gast doesn't seem like someone who would prioritize resting when the fucking multiverse is still in peril. Maybe xxi is slowly consuming gast? There are so many possibilities. The fact that xxi seems shaken up at all has me excited. I think I've been reading dbm for 13/14 ish years and it's so worth it. You guys make my break at work so much more epic lol
DB Multiverse page 2448
Maybe xxi has a ceaseless hunger? Possibly necessary for him to maintain living at this point? He very well could of needed gast to sustain the level of power he uses? Or maybe he is just pissed lol
DB Multiverse page 2448
Woulda been funny if the armor worked but Gogetas head was blown off. "Oh I guess I forgot to give his head armor"
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 61
Woah a Monday main story page?!?! It's been a while!
Gasts healing is insane.. what's more insane is that it seems like xxi needs a break before the finals? Sooo were def getting an interruption right lol. I wonder if gast or Uub will help Goku learn some anti magic cuz Kami knows he needs it lol
In response to Goku winning w the genki dama: I'm putting my money on a spirit Kamehameha!
DB Multiverse page 2447
Gasts healing is insane.. what's more insane is that it seems like xxi needs a break before the finals? Sooo were def getting an interruption right lol. I wonder if gast or Uub will help Goku learn some anti magic cuz Kami knows he needs it lol
In response to Goku winning w the genki dama: I'm putting my money on a spirit Kamehameha!
Wait... How does roshi know there are two other Saiyan's coming? Isn't that something raditz told only piccolo and Goku? Maybe it's implied he said it on roshis island in this story?
Saigo no Son page 14
Woah xxi was literally eating gast alive. That is insane. I love how everyone here is thinking Goku has no chance in Hifl at winning. I find it hard to believe he doesn't learn some new tricks from Uub upon his return from buus pocket universe.
Anyways, another amazing page. I'm more and more excited for the finale. This comic has been bringing me so much joy over the years and has solidified itself as one of the best db fan projects of all time.
Glazing dbm aside... We gonna see that Vegetto freak out soon?
DB Multiverse page 2446
Anyways, another amazing page. I'm more and more excited for the finale. This comic has been bringing me so much joy over the years and has solidified itself as one of the best db fan projects of all time.
Glazing dbm aside... We gonna see that Vegetto freak out soon?
Bird Mountain كان يقول:
We were warned for decades about the thin ice in our universe, but we did not listen. We were told to replace the ice with something stronger like graphite or steel, but our political class (Gods, Kais, and Kai Oh Shin) said it was too expensive. How many times have we see avalanches happen because someone yelled; it's a trope because it happens so frequently. It was only a matter of time before someone yelled loud enough to cause the whole universal ice to slide off the physical plane like an avalanche and cover everything in ice. Way to go political class.
I blame you, Old (read former) Kai Oh Shin, in particular. During your term as Kai Oh Shin, how many times did you refuse to take action? This current plan is par for the type of Kai Oh Shin you were. Let's prevent Broly from destroying everything by moving him into the afterlife to only send him back to fragile mortal realm again. We only have ice holding us together, you geezer. And you know Broly has some lungs on him. We should have recalled and disqualified you when we had the chance.
(no, this is not a reference to any real politician. I don't like discussing politicians at all.)
I blame you, Old (read former) Kai Oh Shin, in particular. During your term as Kai Oh Shin, how many times did you refuse to take action? This current plan is par for the type of Kai Oh Shin you were. Let's prevent Broly from destroying everything by moving him into the afterlife to only send him back to fragile mortal realm again. We only have ice holding us together, you geezer. And you know Broly has some lungs on him. We should have recalled and disqualified you when we had the chance.
(no, this is not a reference to any real politician. I don't like discussing politicians at all.)
Make snake way great again! 1 رد (ردود)
Hahahahaha suck it xxi. Kinda wish he did eat gast tho
DB Multiverse page 2445
Finally we get ultra buu- Gogeta? Or is that Gohan inside Buu reacting? I assume the former. I think Broly is gonna mop janemba here and maybe this explosion will cause the universe to freeze over? Giving us why broly was stuck in ice for the tournament
1 رد (ردود)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 59
ZenBuu كان يقول:
Holy shit and the mask from XXI falls. What an awesome page that shows some interesting stuff.
First and most important... so that technique that Gast used to depower Vegetto, doesn't work on XXI, because the latter isn't a living being, that can die? Like what the hell is this thing then?! Or is Gast using the Majin Punisher here?
Panel 3 looks amazing, XXI finally shows his true colors and seems more and more like a real monster.
Lastly, I kinda feel bad for Gast, the look on his face displays sheer terror, like he looks seriously scared by XXI when giving up. That's not a nice way to go...
First and most important... so that technique that Gast used to depower Vegetto, doesn't work on XXI, because the latter isn't a living being, that can die? Like what the hell is this thing then?! Or is Gast using the Majin Punisher here?
Panel 3 looks amazing, XXI finally shows his true colors and seems more and more like a real monster.
Lastly, I kinda feel bad for Gast, the look on his face displays sheer terror, like he looks seriously scared by XXI when giving up. That's not a nice way to go...
Dude same. I feel so bad for gast. I know that if Goku wins, he will use a wish for gast but if gast is a part of xxi I'm not sure if that would work. He was def one of my fav characters. His serious nature gave me future trunks vibes and I loved it! I really hope either the announcers are able to hear him somehow or he blows himself up to stop xxi from taking his essence/ being.
Other than that maybe if Goku learns some magic tricks via Uub before the finals maybe he can do something like dbs' forced spirit fission.
Hey y'all, any bets on whether or not this matches outcome is what causes Vegetto to finally lose his shit?
I still kinda hope xxi tries to trick the audience into thinking gast won by fully possessing him right here.
Gast use your lung power! Eat xxi before he eats you! Inhale!!!!
DB Multiverse page 2443
Sayazur كان يقول:
PrimeFighter was saying: Damian Qualshy was saying: Oh? Is that the plan now? But the whole point was to put Broly away from Namekians which he was flying towards at the very beginning (no idea why even)
Yeah none of this story makes any sense anymore, frankly. How was it their fault Janemba was created? We JUST saw Demon Kid blow up the purification machine through his negligence. How did Janemba survive even a single blast from this story's version of Broly who's on the level of SSJ3 Gogeta when SSJ Gogeta obliterated Janemba already? Also this Janemba is actually WEAKER than the Fusion Reborn version because all the powerful evil souls that would've contributed to Janemba's formation got put into their bodies again and absorbed by Buu. ALSO why hasn't SSJ3 Gogeta been absorbed yet by Buu? There is no reason why they wouldn't here. They gain nothing from splitting their power and NOT obliterating Broly in one go, especially after already failing their friends,familiy, and Earth to do so once already as a Buu without the absorbed fusion. At the very least, I expected Buu vs Janemba and SSJ3 Gogeta vs Broly, but idk what is happening anymore now...
— The impact between Broly and Gogeta created a shockwave that caused the soul purification machine to overload.
— Gogeta never killed Janemba; the Fusion Reborn movie never happened in DBM.
— Therefore, this Janemba is not the one from the movies.
— If I had made Buu absorb Gogeta, people would have complained because they wouldn't have seen Gogeta. I don't do it, and they still complain. So, I don't care.
— You need to stop thinking that specific souls influence Janemba's strength. He's not strong because he has the souls of certain characters but simply because he's purely evil. Frieza's soul without his body is no stronger than the soul of the farmer killed by Raditz.
Yeah none of this story makes any sense anymore, frankly. How was it their fault Janemba was created? We JUST saw Demon Kid blow up the purification machine through his negligence. How did Janemba survive even a single blast from this story's version of Broly who's on the level of SSJ3 Gogeta when SSJ Gogeta obliterated Janemba already? Also this Janemba is actually WEAKER than the Fusion Reborn version because all the powerful evil souls that would've contributed to Janemba's formation got put into their bodies again and absorbed by Buu. ALSO why hasn't SSJ3 Gogeta been absorbed yet by Buu? There is no reason why they wouldn't here. They gain nothing from splitting their power and NOT obliterating Broly in one go, especially after already failing their friends,familiy, and Earth to do so once already as a Buu without the absorbed fusion. At the very least, I expected Buu vs Janemba and SSJ3 Gogeta vs Broly, but idk what is happening anymore now...
— The impact between Broly and Gogeta created a shockwave that caused the soul purification machine to overload.
— Gogeta never killed Janemba; the Fusion Reborn movie never happened in DBM.
— Therefore, this Janemba is not the one from the movies.
— If I had made Buu absorb Gogeta, people would have complained because they wouldn't have seen Gogeta. I don't do it, and they still complain. So, I don't care.
— You need to stop thinking that specific souls influence Janemba's strength. He's not strong because he has the souls of certain characters but simply because he's purely evil. Frieza's soul without his body is no stronger than the soul of the farmer killed by Raditz.
I still woulda wanted to see ultra Buu absorb Gogeta! Though I'm excited to see how this turn of events play out. Thank you for writing this story. I don't think you get enough praise from the community!
ZenBuu كان يقول:
Gogetto was saying: So remember when Zen Buu immobilized Gast? Why can't XXI do the same thing? Does he maybe know that it won't work a second time on Gast? I just think that if Zen Buu could pull it off XXI should be able to also. Plus XXI prob asked his eternal dragons for a way to beat gast (or w.e those things are that gave him the button to shut off 18).
When XXI said at the beginning of the match that he had no way of beating Gast automatically, he didn't necessarily mean he didn't have a way of beating him ultimately. I just find it hard to believe the true villain of this story loses before he fights the main protag. Gast and XXI v Goku would give us the best of both worlds for a final match
On page 2110, XXI's dragon says that he can't give him those techniques that Buu used to kill Gast, because "they are way beyond his abilities."
When XXI said at the beginning of the match that he had no way of beating Gast automatically, he didn't necessarily mean he didn't have a way of beating him ultimately. I just find it hard to believe the true villain of this story loses before he fights the main protag. Gast and XXI v Goku would give us the best of both worlds for a final match
On page 2110, XXI's dragon says that he can't give him those techniques that Buu used to kill Gast, because "they are way beyond his abilities."
O snap you're right. Love the depth of dbms story! It's just had to believe zen buu would be more advanced that xxi in any technique since I assume both of them absorbed the bulk of their universes in their own ways. Makes me wonder if xxi has a glaring weakness just like his opponents.
Vegettos hubris, 18s off switch, buus incantation.... So is xxis weakness a vacume cleaner. I see a lot of dust being kicked up.. ok I'll stop. That was a terrible joke lol
siksteen كان يقول:
Well, Gast here being OP as usual. He is not wrong and many commenters here figured that out too.
But, unfortunately, I expect XII will absorb that blast.
I wonder why XII can't just teleport Gast to another dimension like he did with Vegetto. Seems to be the silver bullet, much like Bra teleporting her opponents into deep space.
Gogetto was saying: I just find it hard to believe the true villain of this story loses before he fights the main protag. Gast and XXI v Goku would give us the best of both worlds for a final match
I mean I agree with that statement but I doubt that that fight is the "last boss" end-of-the-story fight. Is Goku even the main protagonist here anyway? Is XII the "true villain"?
But, unfortunately, I expect XII will absorb that blast.
I wonder why XII can't just teleport Gast to another dimension like he did with Vegetto. Seems to be the silver bullet, much like Bra teleporting her opponents into deep space.
Gogetto was saying: I just find it hard to believe the true villain of this story loses before he fights the main protag. Gast and XXI v Goku would give us the best of both worlds for a final match
I mean I agree with that statement but I doubt that that fight is the "last boss" end-of-the-story fight. Is Goku even the main protagonist here anyway? Is XII the "true villain"?
Goku is always the main character!!! I see your point though. I think Vegetto will be a sub plot before the finals when he gets pissed about gast losing to what he believes is cheating via magic (he's made it clear he doesn't like magic hax even though he was kinda born of one lol).
I do agree that xxi could lose and be a menace to the tournament after but I find it unlikely. The finals seems like a great place to flesh him out 2 رد (ردود)
So remember when Zen Buu immobilized Gast? Why can't XXI do the same thing? Does he maybe know that it won't work a second time on Gast? I just think that if Zen Buu could pull it off XXI should be able to also. Plus XXI prob asked his eternal dragons for a way to beat gast (or w.e those things are that gave him the button to shut off 18).
When XXI said at the beginning of the match that he had no way of beating Gast automatically, he didn't necessarily mean he didn't have a way of beating him ultimately. I just find it hard to believe the true villain of this story loses before he fights the main protag. Gast and XXI v Goku would give us the best of both worlds for a final match 2 رد (ردود)
DB Multiverse page 2442
When XXI said at the beginning of the match that he had no way of beating Gast automatically, he didn't necessarily mean he didn't have a way of beating him ultimately. I just find it hard to believe the true villain of this story loses before he fights the main protag. Gast and XXI v Goku would give us the best of both worlds for a final match 2 رد (ردود)
Bird Mountain كان يقول:
Broly can't take damage from his own attacks. He is stronger when he gets hit than he was when he fired it. Broly is constantly getting stronger and that makes him more durable by the second. We know that he has gotten exponentially stronger in mere seconds based on previous feats. He's probably the equivalent of a Super Saiya-Jin 532 after the blast while he was probably a Super Saiya-Jin 275 before the blast. I mean why not? Broly has no limits except those that the author artificially put on him.
What is his infinite growth rate? When does it occur? How frequently? Broly is the DBM equivalent of playing a game of I win. It doesn't matter what you do, I win. You can only delay me winning. Broly's power is always high enough to cause drama, but always low enough to not wash and runaway completely with the main character(s). Needless to say, I am not a Broly fan.
I vote invincible to his own attacks, and only Gogeta can damage him...for now.
What is his infinite growth rate? When does it occur? How frequently? Broly is the DBM equivalent of playing a game of I win. It doesn't matter what you do, I win. You can only delay me winning. Broly's power is always high enough to cause drama, but always low enough to not wash and runaway completely with the main character(s). Needless to say, I am not a Broly fan.
I vote invincible to his own attacks, and only Gogeta can damage him...for now.
I always assumed it was exponential growth
I knew it! Can't wait to see xxi use gast v Goku. Maybe gast gets outta this one though. I doubt it
DB Multiverse page 2441
If this was the real son wu Kong then this would of been a completely different story. Also always assumed wu Kong had brown hair even in dbm though I like his blond look
DBMultiverse Colors page 278
ZenBuu كان يقول:
Gogetto was saying: Rivers of blood? Maybe a little elden ring ref? Anyways love zen buu such an interesting character who benefits from these more in depth stories
Not really. ^^
This chapter was already released 5 years ago in french. :D
Lol just started reading the actual chapters now I know ^^
Elden Ring came out in 2022.
Not really. ^^
This chapter was already released 5 years ago in french. :D
Lol just started reading the actual chapters now I know ^^
Elden Ring came out in 2022.
What if xxi uses this moment to take over gast for another layer of the element of surprise v Goku? The fight could conclude with gast announced the winner but us readers would know the truth. I dunno if that deception would work on Goku but I don't see any other reason for xxi to create this thick mist cloud
DB Multiverse page 2439
Rivers of blood? Maybe a little elden ring ref? Anyways love zen buu such an interesting character who benefits from these more in depth stories
1 رد (ردود)
Fanfic u4, chapter 9
If Buu absorbs janemba would he have too much evil inside him to side with the good guys?
1 رد (ردود)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 55
I too thought we had another gast chapter left. I'm not complaining though! Either this fight is going to be extremely long and we will get a few more origin chapters along the way or were about to see the end here!
I hope xxi catches gast like he did with janemba and uses him vs Goku. That honestly seems like the best way to give us gast v Goku and xxi v Goku in the finals.
Even though Goku probably has near-no magic counters, I am still holding out hope that in returns before the finals and teaches Goku something from his training with zen buu. Outside of a new transformation that can deal with magic, Goku would have a very hard time with both gast and xxi.
DB Multiverse page 2437
I hope xxi catches gast like he did with janemba and uses him vs Goku. That honestly seems like the best way to give us gast v Goku and xxi v Goku in the finals.
Even though Goku probably has near-no magic counters, I am still holding out hope that in returns before the finals and teaches Goku something from his training with zen buu. Outside of a new transformation that can deal with magic, Goku would have a very hard time with both gast and xxi.
Happy hangover day y'all! Omfg I hope she instinctualy does the saiyaman dance
DB Multiverse page 2436
Gotten kun is pumping out instant classics left and right !
Saigo no Son page 4
So yamoshi never goes ssj god is what Toriyama said right? He is the original ssj though? I get confused with this bit of lore but I hope we do get to see yamoshi go ssj and God but ultimately fail.
Yamoshi Story page 50
I think ultra Buu is gonna fight janemba to keep him from getting in the way of Gogeta and brolys fight. Why ultra Buu didn't already absorb Gogeta and one-shot broly already is beyond me
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 53
Oh boy, next page krillen is left alone with android 28 x__x
1 رد (ردود)
DB Multiverse page 2435
King Kindred كان يقول:
Vegito1090 was saying: I'm confused... Will the lie revealed a few pages ago get addressed or not? Seems like they're skipping over it.
That's what I'm wondering. Made a big deal over something they said being a lie just for nothing to come of it. At least nothing we're made aware of.
That's what I'm wondering. Made a big deal over something they said being a lie just for nothing to come of it. At least nothing we're made aware of.
It'll probably come up at a crucial moment?
Called it! He's making a list.. checking it twice.. gonna find out who's naughty and nice... Dr gero is sacing androids to cell and coming to town...
Ok bad remix aside Merry christma-hauna-qianzika to y'all !!!
DB Multiverse page 2433
Ok bad remix aside Merry christma-hauna-qianzika to y'all !!!
Razmalian كان يقول:
I wish someone would animate this (probably DevilArtemis) so TeamFourStar can do the voicing for all of this.
I'll throw down on that go fund me page
Yours faithfully, gast. I love this. I guess we know what triggers cell to come out for battle now but oh man I can only imagine with gero is thinking. I never thought an email would make such a great page in dbz
Oh and that "send drone to kill sender" is the cherry on top. This page is top tier 2 رد (ردود)
DB Multiverse page 2432
Oh and that "send drone to kill sender" is the cherry on top. This page is top tier 2 رد (ردود)
Ha she has a point. Being a Saiyan is so much hax. Really love seeing their age progression. It's something super packed so much of
321Y page 369
Please tell me Mr Satan tells the world he killed cell after this is all over
DB Multiverse page 2431
Janemba kid always being an unintentional menace
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 50
Shabby كان يقول:
Bulma may just think he's dead. I hope he's an android.
Missed opportunity if true.
Missed opportunity if true.
This would be amazing. Kinda like multiverse Gohan black lol. Let's hope Android Gohan is the final boss of the RR army
Teleported_Bread كان يقول:
Shabby was saying: They had the warning from Old Kai, and yet they went straight to this.
As matter of fact, it was once the got the warning that they started using beefier attacks.
Make it make sense.
Like.. do other things than just pure brute force.
He didn't tell them, though.
Gogetto was saying: Bye bye universe. Guess we won't be seeing ultra mega supreme combo Buu absorb Gogeta
From their perspective, I can understand the decision of sacrificing their universe to save the rest of the Multiverse from Broly. On the other hand, I don't know for sure if they did destroy their universe or the ice barrier yet, which hopefully the Dragon Balls can help restore. But if they did destroy their universe, yeah, that would still be a pretty ceremonial ending.
As matter of fact, it was once the got the warning that they started using beefier attacks.
Make it make sense.
Like.. do other things than just pure brute force.
He didn't tell them, though.
Gogetto was saying: Bye bye universe. Guess we won't be seeing ultra mega supreme combo Buu absorb Gogeta
From their perspective, I can understand the decision of sacrificing their universe to save the rest of the Multiverse from Broly. On the other hand, I don't know for sure if they did destroy their universe or the ice barrier yet, which hopefully the Dragon Balls can help restore. But if they did destroy their universe, yeah, that would still be a pretty ceremonial ending.
When the Vargas got Broly he was frozen but when they sent him back he was defrosted and enraged. Wonder what that means for his universe when he goes back? ( I'm assuming this story is the tale of u20 Broly).
If he doesn't go on a rampage and kill everyone while they're frozen, I am guessing that it's possible Vegetto damaged him enough for ultra Buu and gogeta to finally knock him outta legendary ssj. That would be really cool and kinda funny if they never knew the crazy adventure Broly went on
Ok Tambo let's see how much you've abused that broken Saiyan nature!
321Y page 367
Bye bye universe. Guess we won't be seeing ultra mega supreme combo Buu absorb Gogeta
1 رد (ردود)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 49
Owch. Poor Gohan can't catch slasck in any future timeline it seems. Wonder if Bulma and krillen have a kid tho
DB Multiverse page 2429
ZGrssd كان يقول:
Oh no, Krillin and a unconscious female Android are in the same scene.
Will he try to save her?
Will he try to save her?
You beat me to the punch lol. This must happen!
Nan-chan كان يقول:
Idk why this flagged as a girl in my brain, uts prolly tambo
It could be tambos mother? I'm getting the chick vibes from this page also. I could see the turtle hermit style being something passed down through the son family. Maybe tambos mother is the one who trains him to become a ssj and to control the great ape form
If it is tambos mom then she is ripped though lol. Most likely it's just Tambo tho
Dawwwww such a wholesome end for this arc. Hope I'm not speaking too soon lol
321Y page 363
kkk كان يقول:
Gogetto was saying: Is the full moon still out lol?
Buyon destroyed the moon to turn Tambo back to normal
Buyon destroyed the moon to turn Tambo back to normal
Yea I know but I wanted them to reunite as big monke
Kinda lame this took gast down so easily but krillen to the rescue !
DB Multiverse page 2425
Buu... Absorb Gogeta. This would be over
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 45
That a boy krillen. Staying alive like a champ..
Oh man I just realized that this side story is going to be "several parts". That means more than two? Guess we won't have our conclusion to the fight until well into the new year
DB Multiverse page 2423
Oh man I just realized that this side story is going to be "several parts". That means more than two? Guess we won't have our conclusion to the fight until well into the new year
Shouldn't Buu absorb Gogeta right away here? There's no way broly could stand up to that
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 44
Dawwwww I home Buu stays with them. He is such a brokenly powerful character to have in the squad
321Y page 359
Poor soulless monsters never stood a chance.
Happy thanksgiving to all my fellow 'mericans!
DB Multiverse page 2421
Happy thanksgiving to all my fellow 'mericans!
goten-kun كان يقول:
That's it, Namekseijin Densetsu is finished!
Started in 2014 and finished initially in 2016, concluding part 2 of the story, I decided to resume this story years later to conclude Piccolo's story.
Having made the manga 321Y in the meantime, I decided to make this third part a sequel, both to Namekseijin Densetsu, but also to 321Y by involving Tambo, a character that I really like.
I hope you enjoyed reading this story, even if I am far from having a high level of drawing. I put all my heart into this story.
With these last pages, we arrive very far in the future of Dragon Ball. About 600 years separate us from the end of Dragon Ball, I wanted to show with this ending that even if the danger is always present (whether it's Bracaa or something else), Piccolo will always make sure to be able to defend the planet Namek, from his hands or from those of his successors.
After 561 pages, this fan-manga is coming to an end and I'm quite happy to have been able to share it with you.
Early 2025 will see the beginning of my new fan-manga. I hope you'll like it!
Thank you all for taking the time to read my pages and talk about it with me here or elsewhere, thank you to Salagir for allowing me to share it on the DBM website.
See you soon for new adventures, long live Dragon Ball!
Started in 2014 and finished initially in 2016, concluding part 2 of the story, I decided to resume this story years later to conclude Piccolo's story.
Having made the manga 321Y in the meantime, I decided to make this third part a sequel, both to Namekseijin Densetsu, but also to 321Y by involving Tambo, a character that I really like.
I hope you enjoyed reading this story, even if I am far from having a high level of drawing. I put all my heart into this story.
With these last pages, we arrive very far in the future of Dragon Ball. About 600 years separate us from the end of Dragon Ball, I wanted to show with this ending that even if the danger is always present (whether it's Bracaa or something else), Piccolo will always make sure to be able to defend the planet Namek, from his hands or from those of his successors.
After 561 pages, this fan-manga is coming to an end and I'm quite happy to have been able to share it with you.
Early 2025 will see the beginning of my new fan-manga. I hope you'll like it!
Thank you all for taking the time to read my pages and talk about it with me here or elsewhere, thank you to Salagir for allowing me to share it on the DBM website.
See you soon for new adventures, long live Dragon Ball!
These two comics you wrote were amazing. I loved reading both and now Tambo is one of my new favorite fan characters. Can't wait to see what you have in store for us next. Again thank you so much for the amazing work!
I really enjoyed coming back to see a new page for two dif comics that were within the tamboverse. I said this before but it brought me back to being a kid and seeing DB and z new episodes back to back on toonami!
I'm betting reality breaks before they can deal the final blow which is why broly is frozen at the beginning of the dbm tournament
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 43
Gast looks like orange piccolo in that second panel with his antenna up
Year 772 is 2 years before the events of the Buu saga occur. So I'm guessing cell is running around absorbing people/ looking for ur androids. I'm hoping we see babadi creeping around earth gathering energy for buu at the same time. Would make for some cool interactions between the 3 parties.
Actually... When was cell suppose to leave Geros lab and begin his hunt? All of that is probably going to get thrown out the window since the events of history are drastically different 1 رد (ردود)
DB Multiverse page 2418
Year 772 is 2 years before the events of the Buu saga occur. So I'm guessing cell is running around absorbing people/ looking for ur androids. I'm hoping we see babadi creeping around earth gathering energy for buu at the same time. Would make for some cool interactions between the 3 parties.
Actually... When was cell suppose to leave Geros lab and begin his hunt? All of that is probably going to get thrown out the window since the events of history are drastically different 1 رد (ردود)
I'm guessing the combined clash between Gogeta and broly is gonna cause the universe to crack wide open. Kinda like the dbs broly movie but with real ramifications here lol
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 42
Congratulations Piccolo, you get to fight Baracca again while you're old. Hope you and Tambo raised a competent generation of warriors this time around lol
Namekseijin Densetsu page 560
XarKhaan كان يقول:
Gogetto was saying: I still Wana know what happened to baby gamera.. grew up and starred in multiple movies. has a bit of a cult following
Sadly always lived in Godzillas shadow though. Heard he fell in with the wrong crowd and was arrested with Herudagon inhaling demon mist. Those non canon Kaiju are bad news man
Young Ghost كان يقول:
Lowkey wish they saved Gogeta's DBM debut for the actual tournament, unless this is a fake out and they fail out the fusion.
Agree 100%. I do hope they fail but they prob won't (seeing a failed ssj3 fusion would be funny).
Regarding the actual tournament: I bet we will see gogetta v Vegetto when Vegetto goes bananas
I'm kinda getting Garlic jr. Vibes here lol. Anyways..
Lol yup. Better yet mui ssj4 kaioken great ape x100 fusion of piccolo III and Tambo II lol.
Damnit pickles u had one job!
Namekseijin Densetsu page 558
ChrisOfChaos كان يقول:
He's very excited for his comeback where he will get curbstomped by SSJ4 descendant of Tambo.
Lol yup. Better yet mui ssj4 kaioken great ape x100 fusion of piccolo III and Tambo II lol.
Damnit pickles u had one job!
Damn Broly what that first doooo? Like others have said, this should a been the strat right off the bat. Using the fusion dance and saving the potara as a last resort (since fusion never succeeds the first time but comes close... A second fusion in the same fight might be really smart lol).
Still hoping they have the potara in their back pockets. I'm assuming we are going with pre-super potara rules so would make sense for THAT fusion technique to be a last resort 1 رد (ردود)
DBMultiverse Special OAV - Broly Final War page 40
Still hoping they have the potara in their back pockets. I'm assuming we are going with pre-super potara rules so would make sense for THAT fusion technique to be a last resort 1 رد (ردود)