DB Multiverse
Vegetto was born on the year 774 on the Earth, from the fusion of two of the strongest warriors of the galaxy...
He'll have more and more adventures, as a space cop or as the target of forgotten beings, because if Gokû attracted monsters, Vegetto attracts the Gods and anomalies from the very depths of space...
And his little Bra also will have a few emotional problems... coupled with a danger and destruction potential close to the one of Buu and Broly...
Vegetto also isn't totally white, his Saiyan blood will boil as he lacks an adversary at his size...
He'll have more and more adventures, as a space cop or as the target of forgotten beings, because if Gokû attracted monsters, Vegetto attracts the Gods and anomalies from the very depths of space...
And his little Bra also will have a few emotional problems... coupled with a danger and destruction potential close to the one of Buu and Broly...
Vegetto also isn't totally white, his Saiyan blood will boil as he lacks an adversary at his size...
31 October
New avatars: Movies and Soldiers
54 new avatars are available!Soldiers of Frost Demons, and DBZ movies characters!
Get into your profile page, select "ALL", click on "Show me only the latest added avatars" to see them!
Colored and gathered by HomolaGábor, Argelios, ZenBuu and Ammar.