DB Multiverse
Fanart creation by Siegfried / Samuel
Author: Siegfried / Samuel
From country: FR
Posted on: 2009-01-20
J'ai eu envie de participer un peu aux bonus alors je vous envoie un premier petit dessin rapide dans prétention dans le style Wendy...
Ici sont rassemblés ses deux dessins humoristiques. Pour comprendre le premier, relisez les commentaires de la page 76 ;)
First Panel : (Salagir) Hey Gogeta! Nail is about to hit with his left arm, then punches with the right... Are your sure? (Gogeta) Hu... the right hand... hold the pencil? Or vice versa?
Second Panel : Too much fans, we need more pages! Salagir and Gogeta Jr tryed to fuse in order to create the ultimate cartoonist! (Fusion) That's your fault! You missed my finger! (Fusion) I didn't! You closed your hand! (Fusion) One half-hour like this... I'm ashamed! (Fusion) Shut up and smile! We're on air...